I know I know. But hear me out.
Eve is a game about greed, cruelty, and conflict. I do not want this to stop. Betrayal and espionage have been a part of Eve since the beginning, and if they were removed then it wouldn’t be Eve anymore.
Buy you have to admit, it’s a bit absurd that one person who gets bored can lock down an entire empire by changing a password, or closing the doors on tens of thousands of players. Theft and betrayal are almost too powerful.
I feel weird arguing this as I spent a good portion of my time in Eve stealing and griefing, and I still do. But Eve requires balance in ordee to stay alive. Conflict needs to happen, or Eve falters.
The ease with which one person can bring down seems to be actively stopping conflict. Now make no mistake, theft should be permitted and encouraged. Emptying an empire’s coffers with the push of a button? Hell yes. Offlining defenses and cutting supply lines? Yep seems fine to me.
The issue to me isn’t the stealing of assets, but the complete shutdown of any ability to mount even a token defense. One person wills it, and the war ends and everyone goes home.
Betrayal and theft need to drive the creation of conflict. But too often it abruptly ends it.