Banning repeated gankers from highsec

Would you cry if sec status cost/penalty was changed?

There’s no reason whatsoever to change the system as it currently is because it’s in no way broken.

Just look at chat, it was working fine. And now it’s a complete mess

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Yet people want it changed :slight_smile:
Might not be broken for your interest, but seems it is for theirs.

That’s a bug. They didnt implement the change properly.

Only a small loud minority
The same bunch that wants wars gone as well

See a pattern?

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No, cos wardec and suicide ganking are unrelated.

They gather the same crowd of haters

People that think highsec means you can’t be shot at and should be 100% safe


Whereas people like you think you should be able to grief noobs without any real effort or consequence. Yes, we know.

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You are confusing legal aggression, with illegal aggression.
Two different, separate mechanic systems.

Killing people in a game about killing people is not griefing

I don’t shoot npc corp nooblets
I shoot anyone else that I can dec.

It’s part of the learning curve.

You might want to check CCP’s definition of Griefing :kissing_heart:

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Thats a lie.
Your killboard shows that.

Heres one example among many:

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I couldn’t give a ■■■■ about CCP’s definition of griefing. Your toxic playstyle drives away players, who then don’t grow up to be fun people for me to shoot in low sec. You prey on people who don’t know the game well enough to stop you, presumably because you didn’t get enough hugs as a kid or something.

If your game time is all spent ganking noob miners and industrialists in high sec then you’re basically just as much of a carebear as they are. Just one with social issues. :kissing_heart:


He was suspect, so free game

Do you think I threw away a 500m isk ship to kill him? (It’s on twitch as well)

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Keep on saying stuff you know nothing about.
You have no clue what I do, how I do it, when or where.

But it’s so easy to assume what others do isn’t it?

Yeah keep assuming about stuff pal.
I play the game how I want to play it, all legally within CCP’s own ruleset.


Sure I know what you do, your killboard gives a perfect summary of your Eve life. 760 kills, only 8 losses. This immediately shows that you’re not a PvPer. Your kills are almost all in high-sec and almost all within war decs. You kill lots of small weak ships, and you generally do it flying pimped out T3’s. On the rare occasion you venture into low sec, you tend you lose those pretty expensive toys. You have exactly zero solo kills in low or nullsec, however the two solo fights you had in low sec you lost.

I don’t suggest you’re breaking the rules. I simply point out you’re a carebear who doesn’t know how to PvP. As a kind and generous person who likes to help noobs learn the game properly, I’d lovingly suggest that you join a proper PvP corp and go learn how to fight properly. You might be surprised by how much fun you have. You don’t have to stay in high sec forever with the other bears you know.

Let me enlighten you

My first legion loss happened long before I joined any merc outfit.

I had forgotten to change my destination and ended up in Oulley.
The assault frig was a Yolo roam
The other losses were me learning how not to get baited.

How does killing people in highsec differ from any other space? It doesn’t. There’s as many carebears in null and w-space as there are in HS.

My kb doesn’t tell the whole story, it’s merely stages of stuff I did. The whole story, on the other hand, is that I had a lot of fun doing whatever it was I did. Because the game allowed me to.
And because I could do whatever I wanted to.

And if you think I don’t teach people basic and helpful stuff, that just proves how little you know about my activities or associations. :slight_smile:
Assumptions, assumptions, and more assumptions :joy:

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Your killboard actually tells an interesting story.

Joined 5th August 2014
Almost immediately lost a couple of ships to NPCs and then stumbled into low sec and got popped by a PL toon. Don’t feel bad, it happened to us all once.
Your first positive killmail was (pretty humerously considering your later career) a failed gank attempt on you by someone from CODE.
First year is pretty normal, although you got a taste for expansive ships more early than was probably healthy. The fact you managed to put several kills (including a pod interestingly) on the killboard in high sec without losing your expensive ship however means that either the killboard wasn’t registering wars properly back then, or else you got lucky with finding a couple of outlaws. I’d bet on the killboard personally.
By Aug 2015, once you’d been in the game for a year, you had already entered your pattern. The killboard starts to fill up with green. Lots of kills on weak targets, you usually in a T3 and usually with a couple of friends along. Interesting little period with Marmite popping null alliance peeps, but still just sitting safely in high sec picking them off with they ventured in for trade hubs etc.

And now coming up on 3 years later, nothing much has really changed. Hundreds of killmails all showing fairly typical one sided ganks against people who have absolutely zero chance of winning against you. But then I could have predicted all that just from seeing you only had 8 ship losses. Your losses are generally either you messing up a gank or you straying into low and getting popped.

You ask how does killing people in highsec differ from any other space? Thats an easy one. When you try kill people in lowsec/null there’s a substantial chance that you’ll be the one who ends up dead instead. Thats a good thing, that makes you not just drop into a repetitive routine of doing the same thing every time, and instead forces you to learn much more about how the game works. How to manual fly, how to scan properly, how to react when that nice juicy target suddenly drops a cyno and a bunch of carriers land on your head. How to know when to run, how to know when to go balls deep, how to know when you’re screwed and still try and take something with you before you go down. Hell I had a CEO once who would visually identify the weapons on an enemies hull so he knew their optimal before a single shot had been fired. How much of that stuff do you need when you’re popping miners in your Legion?

Seriously, put the T3 away, get in a standard cruiser or BC and go learn how to PvP in low sec. Or even just jump in a T1 frig and go gank people in FW space. Either will teach you far more about PvP in a month than anything you’ve done in game for the last nearly 4 years.


Whatever you say Kal :joy:

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It’s ok, I’m fully aware that you probably think you’re great. Hell, you have a 99% efficiency, how could you not be awesome? :joy:

You two should go on a date… you obviously are enjoying each other’s company far too much for the good of this topic. Not that there was anything left to say on the topic any ways though…

Actually… o7
*untracks topic*

This topic has been a regular feature pretty much daily for the 10 years I’ve been playing the game. Worry not, if this one is spoiled you can always read tomorrow’s version instead. :wink:

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