Bastion module is red on fit screen and I cant leave station

So I’m returning after at least a 5 year hiatus, and in that time the station that my ships/mods/items were in Asset Safety Wrapped were turned into Triglavian space. Since I have negative standing with Triglavians, I cannot unfit the module, and since I can’t unfit the module, my Kronos is stuck in station and can’t be moved out.

Is this a known issue? Why would my module be red in the first place?

Thanks for any help.

The Kronos had one Highslot removed and one Medslot added as a balance update some months ago. The game probably notices that your Bastion Module is located in the now non-existing high-slot, so it has gone offline.

You can file a ticket under the section “stuck in the game” and a GM might simply move your stuff out of Pochven into some random HS area. Or at least move the Bastion Module into your ships cargo.

Makes perfect sense, then. Didn’t know there were slot changes. I filed a ticket yesterday evening but hadn’t hear anything back so thought I’d ask here.

Thanks for the info!

Nice to hear the main problem is solved!

About getting the Kronos out, you could try repackaging the ship (destroys the rigs though) or stripping the modules, see if that is allowed by the Trigs.

And then filament the packaged Kronos with a DST out of Pochven.

Yeah, tried moving mods but since my standings with Trigs is at 0.0, they won’t allow me to use fitting services in the station. I’ll just have to wait for a GM to help resolve the problem.

Have you tried “right click → strip fitting”?

Not sure if that requires access to fitting services since it’s not really a fitment as such.

Yeah, that still requires standings in the station.

Well, you could ask someone who is docked at this station with good standings if he would “buy” your Kronos for a fair price, refit it and “sell” it back to you to get you out. Lots of players are actually nice and helpful.

What about right-click and “Strip Fitting” (per above)?

It’s been a while since I’ve played, but I don’t necessarily recall being able to trust those I didn’t really know in-game. lol

Thats why I said “sell”, not just “give” them. If he then won’t give it back, you’d have at least his money and buy fresh one in Jita (plus a few iskies extra). Of course you shouldn’t give any stranger valuable stuff, thats something you remembered well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good point. I’ll try later when I get home, see if anyone would be interested. Thanks for the idea.

I’m not sure how helpful it is because I don’t know how negative your standings are and I’m also no expert on Trig stuff (I went to pochven once), but it appears that if coming from “never met them before” it should be possible to attain neutral standing ls by killing a single ship

I’m not sure if you need positive standings to do fitments or if neutral will be enough, hence “not sure how helpful…”.

Thanks. I’ll check out the link when I get home. I have a cov-ops in system too so I’ll probably just find a WH to safe space instead of filimenting (very new to those).

Also I’m technically neutral. 0.0.

Fitting at 1.0 ain’t gonna happen lol :laughing:

Getting my account info restored via ticket was relatively quick but this is taking a while to get a response. I know they’re likely busy though.

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