🏳️‍🌈 Be Nice Inc., a leftist LGBTQ+ PVP Wormhole Corp & Gayest Corp in J-Space

:rainbow: Somewhere, over the rainbow, we’re blowing stuff up. :rainbow:

CCPlz, rainbow wormholes when?

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Swoosh! Wobble. Hum. Swirl. Lock. Blast! Whirl! Blip! Bling! Bump. Giggle! Boom! Cackle! Kaboom! Snicker. Swoop. Scrape. Ka-ching. Blast. Swoosh, swirl, wobble, hum.



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Still fed up with alt-right bs and still recruiting. :rainbow:



I’m a pretty new pilot and I will be learning the skills you suggest above for WH space. I’m specially interested in logistic ships, do you have any recommendation on the ship you would like to see in your fleet? Shield? Armor repairers? I’m a bit lost on what skills are good in logi as I have never yet PVP’d I have only made industry.

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Hey Lance, welcome to Eve! Drop us a mail in-game and we can continue talking there! :hugs:

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Sure, I mean… you could join another corp. But are they as gay as we are?

If the answer is “yes” they sound pretty rad already. :rainbow:

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I want to be in an ultra gay corp!!! You guys do a lot of gay ops?

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I want to be in an ultra gay corp!!! You guys do a lot of gay ops?

Yup. We’re well known for having the gayest ops in J-space.

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Look, I don’t know how many ways I can say this but… we’re like, super gay. Come be do gay space crimes with us.

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If someone joins this Corp are they just another statistic or

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I don’t understand the question, but thanks for the free bump!

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:rainbow: We’ve got so many rainbows in our wormhole even the sleepers are gay. :rainbow:


Don’t settle for a corp that tolerates you. Join one that embraces you.


Well we talk a lot in here about being gay. But we are also really nice. Like, really nice.

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What if I told you there’s a place in EVE where people are actually respectful to one another and where comms don’t devolve into an machoistic e-dick-flailing show every single time?

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“I’m used to a normal EVE corporation, the community you describe is imaginary.”

I assure you friends, we’re real.

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Check out our latest video: https://youtu.be/FIIHpVhftk8

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Did you think we had stopped recruiting? Guess again!

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I’m wanting to get back into EVE after a few years away.
I’ve spent a little time in SOV and WH Space but majority so far has been high and low sec. I enjoy spending most of my time doing industry activities but would like to learn more about PVP and roam with some chill folk. I’m someone that tends to seek out guides and outside info when I’m interested in something but will also happily take advice from willing vets.

My character is just over 7mil SP and has 2 Remaps available after so long sitting idle.

TZ is US West