Before you complain

Cessante causa cessat effectus.

Well, you’re the sole cause of most of the grief that you get; maybe you should cease posting in order not to get that reaction.

Oh wait, the reaction is what you want; you seem to get off on it.

CCP’s actions and ridiculous decisions are the cause of the grief not me reacting to it…you did what i said…swapping cause and effect.

And i’m still here after 15 years so your ‘just stop posting and leave’ demand is as ridiculous,

Meanwhile, you’re shirking responsibility for your own actions and shifting the blame to someone else.

Imaging you would make sense…would be glorious…

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Absolutely, look at iBeast.
He (may or may not cough) be playing on Serenity. His sub 15m sp toons are whooping the asses of those players with carriers, marauders and multiple player gangs with a 3 man gang composed of at best a brutix.
Anyone who thinks that SP = Skill is kookoo. To Win at Eve (not #Win, like we all want to do and no, you can’t haz my stuffs) you need to have some skill. But whether you believe that acquiring trillions of isk, or trillions of isk on zkill is your definition of winning, that’s your own goalpost.
But this game is the opposite of Pay2Win. Look at the wallet warriors like the guy mentioned here:
Cash does not buy you skill.



Last time i heard this was on 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter from katey segal :stuck_out_tongue:

That must have been 2002 or 2003 :slight_smile:

You are a little bit outdated with lines like that :wink:

It’s actually a very common phrase…do a search here and you’ll is it comes-up a lot.

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i’ll admit im no spring chicken.

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