Best fit for High Sec Porpoise

Hello all. I’m looking for an updated fit for the Porpoise for high sec mining. It’s been almost 2 years since my drone mining account has been active, so trying to catch up. Looks like there at least 2 new skills I need?
Anyway, any help is appreciated.

Well, maybe at the same time someone can explain why ore prices have dropped so much in the last two years? When I played before, veld was above 20, now it’s below 9?

I would argue there is not enough destruction going on in the game. For a game that has PVP at it’s core it seems PVP is actually rare in this game.

I wouldn’t recommend drone mining with a solo Porpoise. Like someone mentioned, the prices on high sec minerals are quite low, and most of the Porpoise’s power lies in its ability to boost your friends’ mining rate. The drones alone are not really going to bring in much income. Surely there are mining corps in high sec that would love to see a Porpoise on field?

Yeah, after looking at prices, mining doesn’t seem worth the effort anymore. I can make more limping through lv4 missions with my minimal combat skills now.

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Well its because ore distribution patch there is to much tritanium on market while not enought low sec stuff, low sec stuff is rare and all ccp atempts to FOORCE players into low sec xxxx zone failed.

As industrialists we run dry on pyerite and isogen.

Thats keeping production low prices hi and pvp low.

Slow clap CCP


We’re going off on a bit of a tangent here, but… Seriously? Prices on a wide variety of PVP ships (Trig ships, T2 ships, and faction ships) have cratered in the past few months. Are you sure that you’re an industrialist?

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I use

[Porpoise, Mobile Depot]
Damage Control II
Power Diagnostic System II

Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Mining Foreman Burst II
Mining Foreman Burst II
Mining Foreman Burst II

Medium Command Processor I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Valkyrie II x5

Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge x10000
Mining Laser Optimization Charge x10000
Mining Equipment Preservation Charge x10000

for classic boosting in high or lowsec. Also have the corresponding

[Porpoise, Immobile Depot]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II

Medium Industrial Core I
Medium Asteroid Ore Compressor I
Shield Command Burst II
Shield Command Burst II

Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II

Shield Extension Charge x9700
Shield Harmonizing Charge x9700

which both, while the shield bursts are running, have 120k ehp and poor align time.

Basically, I use a venture/prospect/combat frig to get a warp-in in the middle of the mining grid, warp the crab porpoise (Immobile Depot) there, siege it up, then warp the non-crab porpoise (Mobile Depot), along with the mining drones, 20km to the first rock, and start chewing through the rocks. The mining drones (usually covetors) anchor on the non-crab and compress in their own cargohold, offloading into the porpoise they’re anchored for every now and then.

If space is too dangerous to crab up a porp, I use the boosting porpoise alone, and rather then anchoring the mining drones on the porp, I replace the crab drone by a DST, and all drones and the porp anchor on the DST instead. As the drones can’t compress w/o crab, the DST will fill up every few minutes, upon which the porp grabs the DST’s fleet hangar and warps off to drop it into a refinery. It’s suboptimal for that role, a fit that favors align and warp speed will do that role better. Dangerous space, however, is so rare these days that it’s easier to just make a few jumps and be in safe space again then to do all the hauling and ping bounces and care for the weapon timer of the command burst and all the other stuff that used to be normal half a year ago.

Assuming you don’t crab the porpoise, you don’t need new skills at all. The “Industrial Core” (crab module) needs Industrial Reconfiguration. Skilling it farther then lvl1 will improve the amount of heavy water it burns while being operated. A Porpoise is rather limited in the amount of fuel it can carry, so skilling it up will greatly improve the timeframe you can crab w/o resupplying (either by docking up the Porp or by hauling in new fuel with an alt).
To use on-grid compression, you also need Shipboard Compression Technology. Skilling it up will enable you to use fancier modules. With a Porpoise dedicated toon, you probably want to skill it to lvl3, which unlocks the gas compressor in case you want to play in low at some point. LvL4 and 5 only unlock Orca specific modules

The classic concept of demand and availability of goods, which can be influenced by “disturbing” miners that provide resources to the industrialists, or “disturbing” logsitics, is getting irrelevant when CCP starts spaming ships as login bonuses that can be redeemed anywhere rather then having to be picked up at a shipyard or market, PLEX bundles ships that can equally be redeemed whereever you want, and the resources required for the production of considerably “powerful” assets drop in the abyss, where farmers can’t get “disturbed” anyways.

Thanks! I went ahead and grabbed the new skills just in case. I’m not sure I’ll use the shipboard compression yet, or if I’ll even mine at all, but I have not much else to do with this account in the short term.
Right now I’m just pulling extra lv 4 missions for my main :slight_smile:
Maybe I’ll try some low sec mining eventually.

Maybe for risk averse players who’ve been playing for 10 years and have yet to undock in a PVP ship :thinking:

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Or players that live in nullsec

I live in nullsec too and the fights are plentiful, you must be doing something wrong.

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