Big Ships are not allowed in high sec ... just let us not tell this to anyone

1 wouldn’t make capitals any easier to gank. It’s also an awful idea that runs counter to everything EVE stands for.

Not EVE, because a major point of EVE is that you have a single universe (except for China because Chinese regulations, but there’s no way to move stuff from TQ to Serenity). You’re not getting a “caps in highsec” server, or a “pve only” server.

Well I can only hope that CCP folks are enough flexible and don’t think that if they can justify that something is right they believe it is always right.

With regards to whim … I am disappointed yes , but there are many guys like me who maybe clients to CPP. They will not be as devoted to the game as you are, but CPP/game can benefit from their existence

Perhaps it is time for legal action?

I hope that too and evidently they are because they have changed a lot of things and reversed a few of their past decisions. They’re not infallible and I think they know it.

It’s true that more players is better for the game and CCP. Yet I hope very few players buy a capital ship thinking they can fly it in HiSec.
You made a mistake. It’s not a crime. Live and learn.

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I have to say I do agree with Epeen this time around. What’s happened here is the result of a very intentional strategy by the makers that focuses on converting customers before anything else. CCP are actually quite smart, and they understand gamer spending trends, so their focus on big spenders isn’t surprising. Everything I see with regard to this game’s monetization scheme makes it evident what their intentions are if I look at things with a neutral perspective, despite being a whale myself.

Like, yeah, OP should’ve done their research, but there’s something else going on here too. Follow the numbers.

That said…that said@Gandalf_Greyer, tell us the truth here: you thought you figured out a “clever little way” to pump out some “easy cash from high-sec” that you were surprised all the “idiots using battleships haven’t figured out for some reason,” right? Because I’ve observed that line of thinking in person from multiple players over the years, except they were fortunate enough to be told that it’s impossible. In one case a guy actually wanted to buy a titan (!) to “really sock it to the griefers” and he thought that no one in high-sec had one because they simply couldn’t afford one.

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I don’t want/not ready to go into specifics. What I’ve mentioned just an of the top of the head example to formulate the issue. I am sure if submitted to designers they may come with some quite different solutions but they can find something.

I too would like a titan so i can “sock it to the griefers”!

i’ll take a titan or two, just to take down TTT :smiley:

You mean I wanted to use high-sec as a source of money or to prove to some unknown to me folks … not quite sure what. Sorry to disappoint, but no. I have several battleships (Widow & Golem are probably most impressive) with a lot of overpriced “tuned” stuff . They both seem to be enough to quite easily fight automatic pirates. Two problem for me (1) I really don’t have time to collect this way any reasonable amount of ISK. (2) I got bored with this stuff (with fighting these pirates). I would rent a titan to see the difference, but I quite sure I get bored by it too very soon. I am not such a devoted player as guys in this conversation. I don’t want to go into specifics of what I do for a living but I like it more than Eve or any other games . I just use this/other games to shift my focus away for a short while.

Anyway, I spent too much on this chat today already. Thanks for the real conversation. With not everyone here but some it is possible to have one.

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if you want a titan, join a corp in null and build one.

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You should run 4s in your golem in one of the SOE lvl 4 systems. If you see dudes with Hawk in their name, you’re in the right place. He always runs the most profitable missions there.

You are correct…and there have been in this game for always…from it’s beginning…people who think throwing real money at the game is the solution to enjoying their game.

Often that doesn’t go very well for them…

Really one doesn’t have to “live in the game” (or a sport, or any other hobby activity) to gather very basic information on it. Isn’t that a cool thing about the world we live in today?

I’m glad you enjoy what you occupy yourself with irl mainly, that is very nice.

CCP will accept your money if you throw it at them. What company wouldn’t? I don’t expect companies to tell me everything about their product, I expect to need to determine for myself if I want to give them my money. The due diligence time spent determining that is in direct proportion to how important something is to me. Is that wrong?

Anyway, Icelanders have been whaling for a long time…


I just want to know why you wanted a dread in high-sec. What was the motivation for attempting this? Note that this is completely unrelated to whether or not you knew it would be possible (although if you played in high-sec for any reasonable amount of time, you should’ve kind of subconsciously noticed that there weren’t any combat capitals around, and thought that there has to be a reason for that).

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probably saw Chribba or the Pope in their caps in hisec… and thought why can’t i have one…

If you want a big ship in highsec, there’s a few carriers still stuck in highsec from when they were allowed. They pop up for sale here and there.

Would make for a nice gank risk free jita undock. You go to a safespot and trade cargo with your alt. But that’s as far as you can go, as the gakers will probably get you on the other side of the Jita gate lol.

And promptly get taken down/moved to lowsec because you’re not allowed to sell them.

You are not? I had no idea about that

#4: A capital ship restricted (under normal game mechanics) to 0.4 space or lower may never change ownership under any circumstance, willfully or not, while in high-security space (0.5 security systems and above).


Wow had no idea they changed it, CCP is a party pooper for sure. Though I do remember them being on sale a while back.

Well OP you can always make an offer to buy Chribba’s character and you get the ship with no change in character ownership =P

I agree with the original complaint - the description for the relevant capital ships should clearly indicate they cannot enter highsec.

CCP can definitely con players in various ways if they wanted to, and the players would be none the wiser. It is not something you have “discovered” per se, it is and has always been there as a possibility. Can you prove it? No. Can you do something about it even if you think you have proof? No. It’s their game. Best to focus on things you can control.