I will try to not say many mean words. So lets go:
If you guys dock because of a frigate, then you are stupid. Just fit an heavy Neut and you can warp off, whenever you want. There is also not a single frigate, that can tank a carrier for long.
You do know what stealthbombers are? They are hard hitting ships with Battleship weapon systems, that are meant to kill big stuff. Did you ever try to fight anything with a stealthbomber? They literally have zero tank. The typical Stealthbomber cant kill a single NPC frig. Thats what they do.
So a fleet of 20 people can work more isk efficient, then you alone? Do you have a single case, where thats not the case? With 20 destroyers you can start ganking freighters, thats part of the game. Brining friends helps you to do stuff with less skills and ISK.
They are either stupid, or they where talking about your ratting carrier. If you fit tank on your carrier, they wont have problems saving your ass. Fit yourself an oversized AB Loki and you can propably fight 20 stealthbombers alone. If they dont arrive in time, then because you couldnt deliver a Cyno. Thats on you. Prepare a cyno and they can save you.
Yes, by a huge margin. After insurance my combat carrier costs as much as our fleet rattlesnake. My carrier wont die, as long as we have FAX on grid, my rattle will die against high alpha.
Did you ever try to fight a ball of HAW dreads without bringing caps yourself?
Jumpdrives? Cynos? Super sick? Goons can defend a whole region, thanks to capitals.
Yes, capitals tend to have much better application than battleships.
Did you ever try to fly a normal fleet of subcaps into enemy null sec? Because capitals will kick you out.
Instant appear button (cyno)?
Did you ever compare the locktimes of a NAS carrier with a battlecruiser?
- Naglfar: 85mm
- Rokh: 75mm
- Raven: 85mm
Some capitals DO have a better ScanRes than some battleships.
To keep it short. If we ignore scanning, capitals can do everything better. They are harder to kill and most of the time they are even cheaper. They are easy to safe and are oppressive against subcaps. Look at every major nullsec battle and wonder, why they used caps, because they are super strong.