Bitter Vets versus Better Vets

Ah, well, hopefully you’re out there digging up the many, many posts of mine where I’m bitter vetting, complaining that CCP has ruined my playstyle, nerfed my ships, got me ganked, and that it’s all CCPs fault and there’s nothing I could have done to prevent it or adapt. I do surely want to learn to mend my poisonous ways.

I’ll just sit here counting my billions of ISK, years worth of Plex, hundreds of combat fit ships, and massive lists of tips, guides and strategies for EVE while you do that.

In the meantime though, perhaps while you’re poking around, you could give us some actual, factual links and numbers on these bitter vets you’re crusading against, and the poison they’re spreading to new players. Maybe I can even take a stab at it myself, since you’re busy. They must be all over the place! I mean, it’s not like you’d be making a mountain out of a molehill, right? Not trying to whip up a tempest in a teapot?

Let’s see, here’s a likely thread, should be full of rabid BVers taking the piss:

Obvious BV bait, I bet half these posts are sheer BV poison! Well, hmm, there’s not dozens. There’s not a handful. There’s not… even… one?

Oh well, perhaps the rampaging hordes just missed that one, let’s find another!

Another easy target for angry BVers! Bet half these are… no well maybe a third… oh, hm, well, not a single one? Again? Gosh these bitter vets are asleep at the wheel!

Just bad luck, I’m sure. Let’s keep going with current threads. Oh, now here we go, LOTS of posts in this one, this is gonna be stuffed with bitterness.

Well, took a while to scan 300+ posts, but I did see at least 3-4 posts in there that could be called “bitter vets”. That’s almost 1% of posts! My goodness what a swarm! It’s a shocker EVE managed to survive!

I can go on with this, like going into New Citizens, but the odd thing is, I’m not seeing them there either. In fact when some new player starts a thread complaining about the horrible EVE experience, the snarkiest reply I see comes from… Shipwreck Jones. Wow.

I guess I’m just blind to this horde of bitter vet shitposting. Perhaps you could enlighten us. You know, with some actual links and examples? Lots and lots and LOTS of them given how serious your crusade is here. I’m sure they’re even easier to come up with than some imaginary caricatures you’ve got in your head.