Bitter Vets versus Better Vets

Aiko and I would still be here, and we’re cute, so we’re worth, like, at least ten people each.


Good for you there’s always a few, personally, I’ve paid for my plex with in-game currency this month, real-world cash is being withheld at this present time.

That just means you gave CCP more money, not less.

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Cost me nothing vr money is vr money. someone buying plex with isk is cheaper than 2 people paying for a sub. I usually sub. I’ve stopped my sub when I run out of isk im going to quit. a couple of hundred sp points and years of training. When the money runs out so will I.

You don’t need to wait, you can quit right now.

Make sure to contract everything to me before you go (cute person privilege).


Because they talked about it when later CCP removed them from a help channel - precisely for the reason of having hate speech in that channel.

Destiny your surely Corrupted XD.

destiny is Eve’s physics engine. No wonder it’s corrupted, with the amount of salt it has to bear every day.

All the salt came out.


Wait, so your meme isnt complaining about krabs?

You may have a point, but you just point out where people are wrong.

Thats not really being constructive, thats complaining, which is the OP makes you a bad person, I mean bitter vet.

Bear in mind, Im pretty sure I am a bad person, but I also dont think Quantum Cores and Capital Ships are good, but removing them is not considered constructive so I have to live with being a bitter bad.

yes it is. It defines what is bad, and why. Which is the basis for constructive, ctricism.

I also offer a solution : ban the whinners. That’s all they deserve, by spamming a communication medium.

So how is ban players you disagree with constructive and remove caps and cores not?

Im not sure how simply pointing out a flaw is constructive though but the english you use is frequently different from the one we use in Ireland so Ill not dwell on that.

You are one bro :smiley:

His meme triggered you so hard you word vomited that response out :smiley:

Then just quit bro. Seriously. The amount of drama grown folks pitch over a vidya game is just straight embarrassing.

Or maybe, just maybe we’re having fun playing a vidya game. I know, amazing right? ROFL.

No worries bro, you bitter. Learn to adapt and make your own fun or leave if you don’t want to. Its pretty simple. This ain’t life or death bruv. Its a vidya game.

Nah bro. A lot of New Eden makes themselves victims now. Its truly tragic. It isn’t blame, its truth.

You don’t have to. Then you can walk away. The fact that peeps can’t or won’t due to the experience they have with EVE, shows how great of a game it was and still is.

So you’re saying players don’t have agency and CCP is literally forcing them to play a game they hate? Huh. Interesting.

Its almost like they can google and figure it out for themselves. You and your ilk literally install victimhood 2.0 into their brains.

Although I had an interaction last night that gives me great hope for EVE’s future…

So in other words you can’t handle and therefore you hide. Yes, EVE has fallen into shallower times indeed.

Oh? So you agree ganking is valid PvP :smiley:


Bro you are the textbook bittervet.

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Where did I make this exact claim ?

Nowhere. So you are making up wrong statements in order to present my posts as worse than they are.

You should also be banned.

I didnt at any point say you did.

Nope, you are claiming I said you had said it. Thats you doing the making up.

Honestly, do you believe that anything anyone says is always about you specifically?

Thankfully people who live to attack others like yourself arent in charge. I also believe what you said may be against forum rules.

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and I did not say you said it.

I did not. Again, you are making up claims.

:zombie: :wall: :zombie:

I’m not bitter… not even a vet. Don’t want to catch whatever it is they have, doesn’t sound like fun.
I refuse to be a victim, too. It must suck to cry knowing no one gives a sh-.

I have soft smooth skin nourished and hydrated by Aloe Vera. It’s isn’t thick but crap don’t stick to it. Yuuuk, lol.
Victim-blaming is insidious but those who whine for no reason are no better either.
Reminds me of the drama queens in this forum, always wailing about something “unfair”, as if they don’t know that life isn’t fair.

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Well thats just a flat lie there.

This response makes no contextual sense in english if you are not accusing me of putting words in your mouth.

If you didnt claim I was making something up, then what is it you think I should be banned for?

The meat and 2 spuds of this thread is that Shipwreck and you both agree that complaining about people who complain makes you both “better vets” and anyone who complains about things they dont like about EvE are “bitter vets” and that position in itself is an oxymoron.

People who think others have no right to voice dissatisfaction are called dictators.

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I just love how all the chronic complainers react to this thread as if bitten by a snake. Being called out for being a negative Nancy and… reacting to it like a true Karen.