Wow, nice reading comprehension fail.
You do realize the difference between describing something that people do, and doing that thing yourself, right? (That’s rhetorical btw because quite apparently you don’t.)
I mean, my very next sentence after your red box says “I don’t bother doing this” but I guess your brain had turned off by that point because you were busy leaping on your donkey to charge at the windmill you thought you saw.
My point there actually also happens to be factual, because CCP has definitely responded to outrage, protests and loss of subs, but frankly you would be very hard pressed to point to any “constructive feedback” on the forums that has led to substantive change.
Your cartoon OP is basically trying to conflate “people who are bad at EVE” with “bitter vets” so you can tar everyone with the same brush. You’re trying to equate “bitter vet” with “sabotaging EVE” and sticking the “bitter vet” label on all kinds of negative feedback. Keep in mind I can provide actual quotes and links of you doing this, I don’t have to draw cartoons.
That’s what makes it a witchhunt.
So lets back up to my original assertion here, which you blew off with a cry of “AAAH you strawmanned me!” (hilarious since your OP is a strawman from the getgo).
A bitter vet is someone who’s played EVE a long time (the ‘vet’ part), and is bitter (meaning, angry and resentful, not “bad at EVE”) because of repeated lies, nerfed playstyles, buggy releases, stillborn concepts (re: Resource Wars), backstabbed players (re: “oh look couple weeks notice and we throw your citadels to the wolves!”), and frustration over how poorly CCP understands their own game (after almost two decades).
Some of those people are actively trying to sabotage EVE/CCP to ‘get revenge’, for sure. And that’s silly, for sure. (Although frankly, CCP markets EVE to appeal to the kind of people who behave that way, so you reap what you sow, I guess.) And yes, behaving that way is bad for EVE.
I didn’t say it’s smart. I didn’t say I do it. I said it’s effective, because it demonstrably is.
Despite the assumptions you’re straining to leap to, I myself am not a bitter vet. You’ll find very few posts of mine that fits either your parody or my actual “bitter vet” descriptions. The most you will find is a long-time critic of what I consider to be lazy, complacent and sometimes incompetent game development and design work on the part of CCP.
That’s my opinion, of course, but I can find dozens of actual, historical, documented facts to back up why I hold it. And I can do it without declaring a general witchhunt on “people who don’t EVE the way I think they should”.
Can you do the same?