There’s no need for this though, the first player there does not own the site. Nobody owns anything until it is stored in their hangar. If you loot someone else’s wreck you already go suspect, if you get the kill first any others on site can loot and go suspect.
I know that and you are right. But the idea the other guy had is so seriously flawed it’s amazing. He probably has no idea what a limited engagement is though.
This would basically allow everyone to enter someones site and the just legaly kill him without CONCORD intervention.
4/5 yields C- and B-type invulns (or, yes, EANMs) respectively.
This is correct. 5/10 sigs do not natively spawn in high sec.
When T3s could still enter 4/10s it was all races all the time. Exploration Tengus were everywhere, especially in Caldari high. Anyone who flew in that environment is going to be hard wired to compete Every. Single. Site.
Maybe things have generally changed since. I honestly have no idea; high sec exploration gives me hives. I can understand why anyone who ran combat sites in 2013 would still compete though.
I Just find it hilarious that me in my crappy frigate/destroyer is getting high sec sites stolen from me by some faction or T3 ship, it’s like walking into the newbie zone in an MMO and trying to get the people that logged in for the first time to attack you.
He must’ve died alot in nullsec to have to resort to this, how sad
No, the limited engagement will trigger for owner on the guy who arrives later and starts shooting npcs in the site.
The owner will get a chance and possibility to shoot that guy if he choose to without concord intervention. Untill he does, the other guy will not be able to shoot the owner though.
There is no “owner of the site”. But that said I’d fully support this change. Would make it hilariously easy to bait noobs into attacking me.
Which is probably I was always refering to “owner” and not owner. Maybe more noobs start shooting back - and obviously they do lose. However, they will get an opportunity to do that at least without concord intervention. And who knows, maybe they attack your tengu with some crap t1 ship only to be able to bring pvp ship in next 5 minutes and kill you. So, it would actually imposed a risk on you, unlike current state where you can arrive, shoot the boss with 99% chance to get the loot and if you don’t get the loot then try in next site.
A guristas scout outpost despawns when you complete it, and respawns somewhere else. What a lot of explorers don’t understand is that there is actually not that many signatures rotating - there might only be 4 highsec guristas scout outposts up at any one time.
If we were to let someone “own” the site, then (a) they’d reduce the rate that they cycled, because no longer is there a window where a second player speeds up completions, nor would there be pressure to complete fast, which would make them harder to find, and more likely to have an “owner” in it, and (b) it would allow someone to just “own” it indefinitely to bait with. IMO the sites would inevitably cycle to a state where all of the highsec ones had a baiter in them, and then no new player would be doing any of them.
ie your idea would actually make the situation worse. This principle in an EVE context is known as Malcanis’s Law, after the player that identified that protective rule changes often hurt newbies and advantage old players.
Also from a getting loot perspective, the likelyhood of contests is pretty much inversely proportional to distance from jita and reduced for non gurista encounters, its called combat “exploration” for a reason. Go out there, see the universe, pull a big bag of loot from where the other explorers are not.
You used the word “owner”, which was completely out of spot.
There is no owner. With or without quotes, you are still believing that you own something. This is false. Get That Out Of Your Head. This is a wrong image you have of Eve.
Somehow after having so much loot, taking from some lowbie in a Gnosis or something just seems lame.
But at the same time that player shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations of being able to farm almost anywhere where Guristas spawn. That area is overpacked with people by about 4 fold, you shouldn’t be there lowbie and expect to be pushed aside by the crowd of desperate people all walking on each other.
However if you go out to Minmatar or Amarr especially, you can usually expect people to just let you have a site if you got there first. But its not a rule, its a curtesy, and not one everyone follows.
That’s basically how Explorers acted back after Apocrypha Expansion was released. Course back then there wasn’t a lot of players doing exploration so there were lot’s of sites available.
However over the years CCP has really pushed the Exploration career and in the process added more W-holes to Exploration without adding more of the other sites. Personally I think CCP actually reduced the amount of high sec Cosmic Signature Encounter Sites in an attempt to get players to travel into low, null and worm space
Exactly. Hisec is supposed to be a place where you can’t easily do anything about another player, save for gank or trick them. Which is why I said “let concord sort out the mess”. I’m 100% okay with a highsec dude committing sudoku (yes yes, seppuku) over their site.
If they want a place where they can shoot someone and let it be a fight, highsec is not the place. Until then, I’m happy enough to see concord 'splode them.
Naah, this is for the times wormhole gets to stressing
Nothing says “stress relief” like stealing ■■■■ from people in higsec. The salt is truly great hehe. In wormholes its always “yeh gf” or “Oh you, you really got me there!”, where as highsec is more like “■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■, you little fucker!! Why did you blow my ship you asshat? Why do you steal my loot? Why didnt concord protect me? Waaaaah”.
Its a nice change of scenery, once in a while hehe.
Now, ive spend several events in lowsec, and ive got a buddy who does DED in lowsec all the time. Lowsec is boring and empty, for the most part.