BlackOut: Dissecting the Experiment

need another war… =D

Wars help the economy and help content. We could have NC say that goons have Oil and have goons say that NC has Oil and the get to it. xD

Or it should never have been the goal in the first place

Remember, the first person to ■■■■ caps was Selene (Arbaburble) and he genuinely made them OP

They got nerfed, eventually


CCP - ‘let’s bring back the AOE for the urrr, media, also we can make cool effects’

cha ching

{a dream told me that being a millionaire was bad but i have random passion so i did w/e as usual <- tbf i cannot dislike this, but, i think he needs to be forced to play his shitty game, also i want to be his ceo, inbf bid time)

will not happen as long as the lead guys are so cozy with each other

They are unbangable trogs. The ■■■■ you think they are throwing a hissy fit over Vegas moving?

I’ve been wondering about Null ‘resource wars’. From what I can tell, currently the blocs grab the biggest chunk of null space they feel they can hold and defend, and essentially just milk that space for pretty much everything they need.

The ‘blackout’ experiment was (from CCP’s statements) apparently intended to shake things up a little, cause some destruction, inconvenience some bots/farmers, and cut back on the firehose flow of ISK and materiel from Null.

Many people have pointed to Rorqs as a big part of the safety/farming/resource flood issues. And those probably need to be addressed.

But what if CCP simply cut resource sources in half? Half as many resources in each moon, belt, field etc? And what if they then sort of ‘rotated’ various resources so that any one section of null only produced about 75% of the different resource ‘types’ needed? That way, the Goons have ‘oil’ and NC has ‘steel’ and they both need some of what the other guy has.

Would that provoke something? Or would it just be too easy to get around?

(Again, apologies for my ignorance of the details of null space.)

What makes you think it was anything to do with us?

I mean that.

CCP Seagull did a youtube vid years ago, where she explained that she had to combat institutionalised arrogance at a company level. She had to tell CCP lead that using the EVE logo was trash/theft, on player vids.

That woman was and remains a hero. Also because she backhanded Hilmar and at least got him to stfu for a few years.


what a glorious moment

So the best compromise will be:

Allow local so the krabs and bots can dock up.
Do something to stop hot-dropping, BLOPs drops, and blobbing.

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Meh now the bots will run rampant across nullsec. And ccp will rely on only their old tools to catch them wich will take longer time.
Maybe an idea could be to introduce black out everytime there is a trig or drifter or sansha invasion? As an event that comes back evey now and then? :slight_smile: and into all areas of eve.

farmer can be killed easyly even with local because nobody is 100% on the screen during 4 hours

so you have the 2 minute to catch your target mostly of the situation. and prolly more.

delayed blackout 60 seconde or more is like a full blackout, same problem with farmer and miner etc they just not play like now

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people wan blackout for only more possibility to kill target but you forget than Eve is a builder game also.

so if people think they have no chance to escape and risk is more important than what they can earn, then they not play

60% of player no more connected since blackout.

you wan blackout but with blackout you get many less target in reality

all stat go down, game is collapsing.

stop thinking with only your point of view as hunter. Eve is a game with builder, farmer, miners, explorer. they re your target and if they feel not secure then they not play and you get bored because lack of targets soon and stop to play also in short term.

you re hunter it s you to adapt for you can kill your target, not the game to adapt for you can do easy kill.

if people wan play wh they just have to go wh. Wh is more rich than nullsec, but people stay in nullsec, why ? because they dislike blackout in wh.


Amazing. Everything you just wrote is completely and verifiably false.

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also undersand than people dont wan dscan every seconde for many hours like a job

eve is a game, if game suck then people not play


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You can always stay in HiSec.


that what people do, stop to play or go highsec

then hunter have fully empty nullsec with blackout, so fun !

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i roaming many region and see only one sabre in 4h roaming.

no farmer / miner on scan in all region i roaming

that fun for you ?


I thought that was what you did on these forums. Push your own agenda no matter how false.

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Oh really? So then what’s my “agenda” and what’s so “false” about it?

I speack about my experience in game

i speack with lot of people in game also and get their advice and opinion and experiences.

the fact is CCP removed blackout, it s the proof blackout was a bad idea with bad effect for majority of people, not only you !

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