Blog: MTU Hunter

Hey! I’ve been looking for you!
In a non-stalking, non-murdering way!

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I see you in-game right now! o/

Blog Updated.

More named MTUs await us today in Naming Surprises and Cheeky Disguises 5.

*sips coffee*

Today’s morning read. :slight_smile:

  • You should post the Tips and Tricks on /r/eve. :slight_smile:

I must ask you to do some corrections to not involuntarily mislead future pilots:

  • Please remember that these 20 seconds waiting time for the faction police are only valid for 0.5 systems. The amount of time shrinks the higher the security status of the system is, with 1.0 translating into warpwarpwarpwarpwarpwarp for us outlaws. Tons of fun, tbh, adding quite some stress to the hunting of targets. :slight_smile:


  • The faction police are not a part of the Navy. The Navy ships are much harder to beat and they don’t scram. People often mistake one for the other, but they’re not the same types of NPCs. I’ve actually managed to move around a Rokh in Osmon on grid, as -10. With battleships it’s actually almost easier, as long as you don’t go 0.9 and up. When your ship’s aligntime is proper and you initiate warp early enough, the initial webbing can boost you into warp. Dangerous, of course, but that’s a great part of it! :smiley:

If you’re having issue popping an MTU quickly as -10, then just use a Tornado! :smiley: The cycletime is spent warping around. :smiley: They can even be fitted with a combat probe launcher when done right and you can spend your time probing in warp (or, like a more boring person, while tethered) so the faction police can’t kill you. :slight_smile: This works great in bigger systems!

Wow, I didn’t know everyone could shoot MTUs I’d drop. :open_mouth:

“cool ship name” …
… “doesn’t remember ship name” … :smiley:

It’s always nice to return to Hek, where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came…

Cheers! Both the gesture and the TV series. :smiley:

Note to self: You’ve stopped at “Becomes the Hunted”.

Gotta go now!
Thanks for the great read! :smiley:

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Thanks Sol, will make some corrections. :slight_smile:

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Sorry. :smiley:
Are you doing well? :slight_smile:

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With business slowing down, I been considering turning an alt into a mtu hunter.

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I finally have a few days off work, I made the corrections to MTU Mechanics for Outlaws that Sol kindly provided above, along with some credit, of course. :slight_smile:

More posts coming soon.


Piiiix :smiley:

Can I bother you in-game then? :slight_smile:

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Blog Updated.

It’s time to see some more examples of messages people have sent me through the standings system, in Added as a Contact 2.

I will be on for a short while this evening. :slight_smile:


Nice! When is evening?

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Now. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry I wasn’t around.
Am going to try this again.

Blog Updated.

Today we have a story by Berger Luckmann, who literally got more than he bargained for in Get Schniffyy.


Blog Updated.

Come watch me get owned by NPCs, in Rats.


Blog Updated.

It’s time to sift through more of my old mails in MTU Mailbag 9.


Blog Updated.

This post is about another time I lost a ship in the pursuit of MTU annihilation, The Geras Scuffle.


Blog Updated.

It’s time to see what the denizens of highsec are talking about, in Vocal Local 11.


Piiiix! Merry Christmas! :smiley:


Merry MTUmas!