Boarding Parties

Soooo why add the burst at all


the burst has several reasons behind it in my mind.
if I go into detail of them all it will become a wall of text, so in the interest of trying to keep it all short and sweet i’m just going to list them below.

  1. Battle Field Control
    simply put control over the battle field, considering that in this example a warbarge will have to be able to perform certain roles, regardless of if its NPC’s or active Merc players the ship while using bursts will literally creates a form of subgrid (i call it a net) similar to how an interdiction sphere or warp bubble and its radius controls the battlefield.

  2. Content
    by keeping ships on grid by causing an effect which deals with web, scram, MJD & AB it keeps target ships on grid which generates content for pilots who are incontrol as well as the the Mercs onboard.

  3. Surviveability
    given the nature of nullsec/the battlefield on EVE a sieged warbarge is likely to become alpha targeted to prevent mercs from flying out into the enemy fleet so the bursts will allow it to debuff the whole enemy fleet progressivelt effectively meaning the warbarge is not worth shooting, its better to go back and shoot the other fleet who’s now trying to welp you, just give the warbarge in its siege mode a good repair rate and progressive and accumlative debuffs and the ship has a very high survival probability which is what is needed for Mercs

  4. TIDI
    the idea of the debuff is to slow down both fleets, considering that two 50 man fleets now might have an additional 30 people per fleet due the warbarges carrying mercs, the actions of the mercs effecting the server will naturally effect stress loads so in large fleet fights where TIDI occours, slowing down the rate of which things occour will help the server process what is happening.

  5. Applicability
    if Mercs are going to come back to the game, they need to be very highly applicable for the capsuleers, namely being able to do things that us capsuleers can’t but one of the most obvious ways to make mercs applicable is to ensure they can help green up your kill boards and be effective on grid and in combat. the bursts will for the reasons above allow for an overlay of game play mechanics from EVE to support the Mercenaries in a very minor way to increase their applicability and effectiiveness in the active running of things.

I see what you mean now

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