This came up in the thread that got closed and I wanted to clarify something.
And ask the community- are my morals suspect? If this is what I think?
CCP did not allow the bonus room, and bullying, to continue as long as they did and ban the players only because it was made public.
They did not retroactively decide all previous bonus rooms were bullying.
Its just that originally the bonus room was a scam.
It’s only bullying and harassment if you take everything, there is nothing left to scam, and then you continue to deride and humiliate purely for harassment.
Doing it for isk, to scam, is just meta gaming, and it seems like it made a fair bit of isk, before the players got carried away and perhaps, through hubris and over confidence, scammed themselves out of their accounts.
Is it wrong that I fully support this version of the bonus room, yet at the same time find the recording of the incident that led to the ban
repulsive, is it just a flaw on my part, that I can see the difference? That I can empathise with that guy’s state of mind and most importantly totally relate to the wife having a panic attack, and that I find how the bonus room guys responded to her reaction awful and stomache churning. And that I can see the way others made political profit from it, did not really help the victim, while at the same time understand that just because he
said ‘he was ok with it’ after the event, well sometimes bullying has that effect on people.
Because when the guy went into the room he went in stating he would never be scammed and was quite vocal about people not falling for it, and he was taken in, isn’t this how scammers work, they rely on hubris and pride and greed, and the mark thinking they are somehow special ‘they wont get me’, so if as soon as they got all his stuff they had said GG, that would be ok to me?
Am I having a nuanced adult response to this or am I just a facilitator of abuse?
Community- am I a sociopath or a balanced human being,
or something in between?