Bounty Hunting Development Help

hey everyone, the TLDR is that after years of posting i’m working on developing bounty hunting, however i have a problem, its possible that players who perform RMT can use their ISK with my service, which in turn can get accounts flagged, I’ve been advised by CCP to come over to the forums and ask you guys for ideas of how to prevent issues.

currently I’ve got
lowering bounty payouts
bounty placement cap

any thoughts for me?
I really don’t want to give up this project I’ve been working towards achieving it for 5 years, but I also even more so don’t want to have my account banned

RMT money can be spent on anything in the game. While this would pose a risk when you take a lot of irregular ISK donations through some ‘bounty hunter system’ you develop within the game, I think a bigger issue with bounty hunting is:

On one hand you cannot allow people to pay too much for bounty hunting, because people will then profit by cooperating with their killer to make money.

On the other hand you cannot let the bounties be too small because then your idea is pointless.

I do not think there’s a good middle point on that scale that isn’t allowing the players to exploit the system (you), unless the payout is too low to be worth it for people to chase bounties.

The in-game bounty hunting system was a joke, what makes you think a third party one would be any different?

indeed well my concern at this point is to protect the project and my account.
seems to me the source of ISK is the critical issue.

:wink: :blush: :popcorn:


Exactly what an RMT-er would say.

:smirk: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

what are you smoking dude

Usually when a player asks something like “I want to do X, but I don’t want to be accused of botting”, 99% of the time it’s because they intend to bot…


Precisely. Not the least suspicious. :upside_down_face: And funnily by asking, thinking it is a smart proactive cover, it instead just calls CCP’s attention to their activities even ahead of time, achieving the exact opposite effect they intended. :popcorn:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :psyccp:

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CCP should work harder on removing those who rmt and bot by developing algorithms and using AI to detect such behaviors. punishing those who are legitimately and creatively playing the game is ridiculous! asking players to solve an issue like rmt is even more ridiculous.

id like to see a system maybe similar to corp projects where you can put out an order to do damage to members of an alliance or corp or an individual player, you put isk in a bounty pool against that entity and if you do damage to that player or member of that group you get a percentage of the bounty pool put on that players / groups head but you only receive that isk if that players ship is destroyed in that engagement so as to prevent shooting and repping exploit, you get a larger percentage if you get the killing blow, and pods of course give you a nice bonus. the bounty board would be public with No. 1 most wanted at the top, the more wanted a person is the bigger the percentage of isk earn for damage and kills of said player. you earn a larger percentage of the bounty in highsec as its harder to kill someone in hs if they have a positive sec status, or if they ar in a war ineligible corp, so this would incentivize suicide ganks once the players pool got large enough that the percentages paid would cover the loss of the gank ship at least. low sec damage and kills would pay a lesser amount and in null even less to incentivize capsuleers with large bounty pools to get the hell outta dodge! and if you were in wh pocheven or zarzakh no one could collect bounties on you due to being “lawless” zones, a pool system that pays percentages on damage resulting in kills and larger chunks for the killing blow and pod kills makes a system that cant be exploited by conspiratorial individuals working in concert to game the system and ensures that all bounty hunters involved in the take down get a fair piece of the pie and by also having a difference in pay for bounties in high were killing a person is more difficult and less in null and a middle amount in low it reinforces the levels of safety and the feel of these areas, plyers with large bounties in hs will be sweating bullets on undocks and those who enjoy having large bounties on their head can maintain their well earned pirate clout by living in lawless Ares and null so that it cant be scalped of their head as easily.

percentage paid out should be based on average market cost of hull and destroyed modules, percentage paid on damage should be based of of hull class and base ehp, pod kills give a bonus to ship damage and destruction percentage paid, plus percentage of implant average market value. percentage paid only on damage, ewar has no effect to amount paid.

Lol, no one is sweating bounties in high sec. Off-grid insta-undocks mean you aren’t catching jack squat…

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you seem like the kinda guy that needs and has an off grid insta undock for every system in the cluster…

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I’ll take that as a compliment… :wink:



Don’t you run a bounty hunter post somewhere I could swear I saw it? (isk version obviously) people are asking :slight_smile: and I want to direct them.

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It is a killright thread not bounty. It lists public killrights.

You can click my picture or name, visit my forum profile and list my own threads in the future but for now I link it below.

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