BPO Research Tool

Is there a tool that helps you work out the full cost of the BPO?


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Can be done in game… through the industry screen

There is some slight variables… Once in awhile when someone starts a project it triggers an increase of costs because the system index has changed.

Hi, thanks for yoyr response. I’ve tried the industry window but I can only get one iteration of cost. for example if I research an Orca BPO I can’t do level 8,9 and 10 in one go to see how much the full cost of researching it would be. Or am I missing dsomething? I don’t want to have to research the previous level to find out the cost of the next level.

zero ? Edit : sorry I read fuel cost :stuck_out_tongue:

actually it depends on the mats used for manufacturing, their adjusted value, the cost index of the system you work in, and your price of research time

okay since I misunderstood your post and make an answer that what stupid, here is the correct one :

A BP has a value called “Estimated Item Value” (EIV) which depends on the items required in the manufacture activity of that BP.

That value is equal to the sum for each type required to manufacture, of this type’s adjusted value which you can obtain here EVE Swagger Interface multiplied by the quantity of the requirement.

The EIV of a BP item is the same of its BP type, meaning the ME/TE has no impact on the EIV of a BP

Each activity of a BP has a multiplier. IIRC 100% for manufacture, 2% for other. Invention is based on the product’s EIV

example for a Rokh:

ME/TE (it’s already 20, we see that later)


invent (this time based on scorpion, so EIV is the one of the T2 BP )

(and we don’t care about other than ME/TE, but it’s important to know those generic formula)

THEN based on the EIV, each JOB that increases the ME/TE of a BPO has a cost.

Here is an item
so 4219 EIV
then +10 ME :
and +10 TE :

same value.

The level multiplier to research to level n is
0, 105, 250, 595, 1414, 3360, 8000, 19000, 45255, 107700, 256000
BASE 105. (so actually Ă—1 for level 1 ME/TE)
approximate is 2^(5n/4-5/4) or 2.378^(n-1)
so basically the base job cost to research to ME m and TE t is
EIV /50 Ă— [ 2.378^(m-1) + 2.378^(t-1) ]

so to research my item with EIV 4219 to 10ME the base job cost (written as Process Time Value ) is
4219/50 Ă— [ 2.378^(9) +0 ] = 205185
which is “close enough” to the 205727 in game.

THEN this PTV is not paid, but used as a base for the job actual tax
total_tax_pct =
+ facility_tax_pct
+ surcharge_global_pct
+ surcharge_alpha_pct

since you may have very long jobs, it’s a very bad idea to use player structure. Assuming station, facility tax is 0.25% (so nothing), surcharge is 4% (so huge), alpha surcharge is 0 (you are not an alpha) and cost index varies from 2% to 7%. Let’s say 2%

so the tax is basically 6% of that PTV.
so the total tax cost is therefore
BP_tax_cost = EIV /50 Ă— [ 2.378^(m-1) + 2.378^(t-1) ] Ă—6 /100
for a 10/20 (so 10level in me and TE) this is (using 256000 as multiplier)
tax_cost_1020 = EIV /50 Ă— 256000 / 105 Ă— 2 Ă— 6 / 100
= EIV Ă— 3072000 /525000 = EIV Ă— 5.85

Basically, the tax cost to research a BP to 10/20 is 6 times the material cost of the unresearched BP (it’s not true since estimated is not adjusted but that gives you an idea)

The fun part is that this “6” it is basically the total tax% . So if you are in a 4% cost index, it therefore becomes 8 times instead of 6 (actually 0.25 + 4 + 4 = 8.25 but who cares).

So for example a 10/20 Rokh has in a 2% cost index has a research tax cost of 6 times its EIV, which as shown before is 142M3 . It’s research1020_taxcost is therefore 142.3×6 = 854 M

Also, an interesting part is that CCP recently (kinda) changed the cost index and surcharge, as before those changes it was possible to work with 0.2% cost index, no surcharge, and therefore 0.2 multiplier (0.2 from cost index, +x% from station which were added to the cost index, so like 0.25 %). Basically with those changes CCP multiplied the research tax cost of BP by 24. That’s why you can easily find BP sold with very low cost (and you should buy them ^^ )

Wow. Thanks. I’ll have to digest all that when I got some spare time. TYVM.

If you need a list of the EIVs I can provide it.