It has been great joy for me the Lord Vaari, jarl of Sosan VII, high father of the Imperial Pharmacy, symbol of unchallenged victory, the world’s most beloved hero, self proclaimed prophet, morninglord, golden mountain, carrier of the Heaven’s light, teacher of pure faith, speaker of unquestioned truth, lion of the universe, vanquisher of all heretics, bane of the witches, the great miner and skilled industrialis_t find that Curatores Veritatis Alliance has been found again to be led by virtuous men and women.
While my keen eyes watch ever vigilant on all amarrian loyalist organizations for corruption and heresy, right now it seems CVA has been able to purge themselves on such evils.
With the prerogative I, Lord Vaari hold as a annointed clergyman it is my great joy and immense honor to clean the name of Xhjfx of CVA. Xhjfx the Terrible no more, but Xhjfx the Resolute from this day on!