Bringing Back Manufacturing Slots Would Have A Positive Impact

Did you read the title of the thread?
Was it hard for you to read “A Postive Change” and not jump to “magic bullet”?
I’ve changed my mind. The game is dead because of useless whiny zoomers with zero imagination or spirit.

Have you read your own posts? You are attributing massive potential for change to a single component. Thus, magic bullet.

It took many changes to get where we are. It will take many changes to have any appreciable impact, given the shift in player thinking and market meta over the last decade. Come back with a comprehensive plan, and folks will take you seriously. Picking at one tiny part of the problem won’t go anywhere, because the overall system is too broken for it to make a difference.

But is IS a massive difference and it WOULD have a big effect, forcing people to make choice, to compete and expand away from Jita and there being a positive reason for doing so.

“Everything easy, no thought required” is again at the basis of one of EVE’s issues.

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Yah, this is an issue, but I have no idea how to communicate that to CCP. I am not sure whether this is deliberate design, because CCP doesn’t want to maintain the spreadsheet, or is this an unintended effect. It’s kind of silly having thousands of systems with a market where nothing is listed.

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Again, core gameplay mechanic was broken by implementing a poor substitute in the form of a pigovian tax instead of limiting supply.

But you just want to be a whiny ■■■■■.

The issue is you thinking you actually drive the markets. That the bulk of buy and sell orders are coming from AFK Jita 4-4 spinners.
Guess what: you’re a meaningless middleman noob manufacturers will lean on for a quick start up.

Not that I need to defend Aiko or anything, because you’re hilariously wrong and it’s kinda funny watching you make a total ass of yourself.

Let’s just review: you come back to the game after an absence. You see things are different. You spot one thing in the game you don’t like. You figure ‘change this one thing and the game will go back to the way it “used to be”’.

A number of people reply who’ve actually been playing the game while you were away. They’re up to date on all the changes and shifts in the game. They tell you, with specific examples and scenarios, why your “change this one thing to fix a ‘diseased’ game” is too simplistic and won’t work.

You respond by getting agitated, foaming and fuming, insulting everyone without the slightest knowledge of their role in the game, making assumptions about their gameplay to satisfy your impotent anger at being disagreed with, and even pulling out the “useless whiny zoomers” generational “get off my lawn!” card to defend your notion.

Uninformed opinion that doesn’t take anything into account except for “bring back the awkward, clumsy, slow way this used to be and the game will spontaneously revitalize”. Then responds to current facts with rage, insults and unwarranted assumptions.

Are you starting to see what the problem is, here?

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No. I’m going to stop you there. I like being able to manufacture one jump from Jita.

I recognize that it’s had a ■■■■■■■ massively negative impact on the game.

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Are you going to reply to a single counterpoint, or just throw insults? Because the latter isn’t worth talking to, and I’d rather not waste my time.

Guess I need to stop being a little ■■■■■ and manufacture 100 T2 200mm Autocannons for Rens again and wait the 3 months it takes for them to sell at a reasonable price, :joy:

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You haven’t made a counterpoint.

Ah yes, because this is all about individual action and instantaneous results.

Way to be good at thinking.

I once tried to populate a low sec station in Vlill with about 20b stocking only faction warfare type good’s frig’s/desi’s and their mods. (With a 4% Jita mark-up after tax’s). After 6 months 80% - 90% of the stuff did not sell I ended up making massive losses just from the fee’s (and this was low sec fw with a 50% system bonus and still made losses.) . That is why there is no other markets that is why Jita is so dominant.

Fee’s are just too high.

IMO Fee’s and tax’s should be dependent on the avg population of the system, that way it is auto balancing and will get players to spread out automatically.

You want to change the universe but absolve yourself of all personal responsibility because “paying 50% above Jita is ridiculous”, and discourage individuals like me who are actually ornery enough to put 100 fresh 200m Autocannons IIs on Rens market.

Instead of players taking action, you’d rather wait for CCP to do something about it. :joy: But not just anything, one specific thing you came up with! Indeed you are clearly the superior thinker!

Good luck!

That’s because I’m not pretarded enough to think any individual is a market maker in this universe.

I don’t advocate any individual action at all.

But if you did want to do something, it’d be undercutting Jita with enough margin so a smart trader could buy up your stock and haul into Jita at a ~%5 profit and get volume moving.

System cost indices are just right that you’d come out the same as manufacturing in Perimeter.

But as I said I do not advocate individual action, nor am I criticizing any player for leveraging game mechanics to maximize profit.
That’s just playing smart.

That’s because that was a dumb thing to do.
Last time I ran faction warfare, I moved into my target region with 200 thrashers and fittings.
Because that’s standard practice for FW.
We’re not talking about seeding low-sec here.
No individual is a market maker.

In cases like this where it’s about effort and profit it IS up to ccp to do something about it. If there are limitations per location/area so that people just can’t bundle up too much due to competition then more people will build elsewhere. That will make jita less attractive so people will be less attracted to it which THEN means other locations gain more (a)ttraction again.

If in the future you want to sell more stuff in Rens there needs to be a reason for people to remain in that area which in turn bolsters its economy. It’s all interconnected and it all snowballs from there.

This shouldn’t need to be explained.

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No idea why this topic has to be so emotional…

From my simple point of view unlimited production slots (and even research and reaction slots) are a bad thing because no game mechanic should offer an unlimited supply of anything.

A limited amount of slots would also give more immersion imho by simulating a real world factory infrastructure. We can experience that in the real life business as well, if you want to have something produced and the production-company next to you has the next free capacities in 6 months, you have to make your own business decision to either wait or ask around at other companies that may be out of country or even overseas. Or you have to invest in an own factory.

Just building/researching anything you want anywhere you want and just pay a “tax” for it removes that immerson. It also removes the possibility for nice ingame options like different factory-services to install in your structures (mass-production-factories with lots of slots vs. rapid-assembly-factories with faster runtimes) for example or balancing different structures via the boni they give to slots or production time or installment costs.


Imagine trying to operate a grocery store, but you have to pay a tax on every item you put up for sale, even if it doesn’t sell (and you must pay before the item sells). Furthermore, you have to pay an additional tax if the item doesn’t sell within 90 days, and every 90 days thereafter. Furthermore, you must pay an additional tax if you change the price of an item, even if you change the price by just one cent.

@CSM sales tax is fine, but the broker fee stifles trade and kills smaller markets.

The broker fee should be a nominal flat fee per listing. It should not be a percentage. If CCP’s concern is the cost of maintaining the market, they should increase sales taxes, but the broker fee is irrational and does not reflect real-world economies. The game would be much healthier with more vibrant markets outside of Jita.

And here you are continuing to attempt to hijack this topic with your continued whine about fees.

Contribute to the topic or GTFO.