Broker Relations

as someone who uses several alts with each several orders, and trying to never have more BO than I can afford to pay, I think it’s a good thing. no more need to rely on external program to check if I can afford to buy a fit or not.

The game literally trains you to understand he mechanics, and learn how to deal with them. Whether or not you stop adapting after a while is up to you.

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i quit BDO because of the terrible market system, now CCP is emulating it


If that were true, Missions wouldn’t be so scripted that bots can run them. Nor would exploration sites.

I am an idiot. I have priced an item incorrectly more than a few times. I suppose I will need to pay attention better to my late night tired brain double checking of prices in the abstract powers of ten.

An easier way to combat botters would be to delay relist prices by one day and to hide current prices by 5 minutes even though the hidden prices apply in the favor of the person making the order. (A buy order might fill cheaper than expected or a sell order might profit more than expected… providing one makes a ranged market order or a fixed order)


Well mechanics change every week now. Guess I’m too old for this. Maybe the young ones coming in can cope with it. Uh wait…



IMO a better way would be, to set both the max and min value to sell an item. Minimum value being not visible on the market list.

example on sell order :

  • I set an order to 1M and min value to 900k. I pay broker fee based on 1M.
  • someone cuts me with 0.01 isk with minimum value 950k. He pays broker fee based on 999.99999 k.
  • when someone buy the item, it’s actually sold for 950k, from my order. The person only pays 950k (even though he entered 999.99999k) and the tax is taken on the 950k sell price.
  • if someone sets an order to 2M but min value 500k, then his order is taken first, at a price of 900k. Taxes are based on 900k, but broker fee is based on the 2M.

example on buy order :

  • I place a BO with min 1M and max 2M. The broker fee is paid on the 2M value.
  • someone else places a BO with 1M +0.01 isk and max 1M5. HE pays broker fee based on the 1M5.
  • someone sell an item. He receives 1M5, and I get the item. He pays taxes based on 1M5.
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Not at all. EVE’s basic setup is a Skinner Box. The structure of the game trains players to do the same things, over and over again. It’s a rat in a maze, nothing more. Even your assertion of ‘understanding the mechanics’ isn’t any different than ‘recognize the traps that keep you from getting the cheese’.


It’s as if all the market bots are crying out in pain, this looks like a good and healthy change for the market. Get rekted crybabies


What you are talking about is life in general. Does not allow to make specific claim on Eve.

Not really. Obviously, there is some element of positive reinforcement involved in the normal course of life, but there’s also a lot of ‘doesn’t matter’. For example: what color skivvies you put on in the morning doesn’t impact whether or not you get the cheese, or how effectively you get it. More, variations arise that require more than understanding procedural ‘X requires Y response’. The level of complexity that arises from that, and the emergent behaviors involved, pass far beyond the artificial, completely encapsulated confines of a Skinner Box.

EVE’s don’t. Until what you’re dealing with is long-term, complex PvP, EVE’s interactions are… honestly, really simple. Like, ‘Push button, get bacon’ levels of simple. EVE’s variations on those interactions are, predictably, stuck in game design principles from 20 years ago, and are far more limited than say, ‘how do I land on the mun in KSP?’ And every change that removes complexity just pares those variations down.


The end of the “Penny Game”, huh? Things keep getting interesting(er) and interesting(er) out there in space.

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How does this make sense?
Anyone who doesn’t have the Skillpoints for a dedicated trading character will be at a massive disadvantage with this so especially new players won’t be able to make relyable income with the market?


They don’t want anyone to make isk via industry or trade.

This really seems like an f’d up way to force players to buy plex so they can inject skill levels into a alt so they can try to compete in the market without disrupting the training plan of their main. Cheap shot CCP. -10 loyalty to game.


So now the lower level traders have to fork over the entire cost of a buy order up front limiting their ability to have more orders out at once and limiting their ability to compete with the big boys.
CCP be like “Let’s make things better by screwing the little guy.”

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Funny thing that people don’t get,by killing station trading ,you are killnk jita…
so nobody will buy loot from ■■■■■■■ carribears…or spred between buy and sell will be 50/100
anuway ny killing jita,you are not only killing traders but whole eve economy… so if you wanted to see jita empty… you got it!And nobody will take a place of old traders… because b a ■■■■■■■ carribear in hight sec will be more profitable…i have around 13 trillions in alts etc invested in market…and jita (and with jita all players that was selling me they stuff… and is a lot of players…)will lose my money capital… and i promise the exactly same will do many my friends that are a lot richer that me and basically holding jita… right now in jita in a month with all buy/sell total money flow between wallets is around 200T.And you will lost it… so from 10 march(it will happend faster,because to sell all assets is time,so traders will start now)you will see jita empty… thk ccp, you are a lot more interested in bots witch hunting…so interested that you are burning more players for ‘collateral damage’ than bots,but you don’t give a ■■■■ no? you are already soo bored of this game and just wants it to end…

for any trader reading this post that will leave jita market ,pls replay with + ccp have to see how fast jita will become empty


To echo what many have said, the Margin Trading scam needed to go, it was one of the last scams in this game that involved the UI lying to you.

The Tick Size change isn’t a bad idea in principal, but 4 sig figs is way too low. For reference most European and Asian stock markets have a tick size of 1/100 of a percent, which is 6 sig figs if I did my math right. However even then we normally deal with prices far, far higher than most stock markets.

The modification charge already discourages .01 isking people (not a bad thing), but I fear that adding such a low range of prices to work with could greatly impact larger markets. I’d suggest a much higher tick size of around 7-9 sig figs if you want to keep the market active.


I don’t like NPC getting a cut of my structures income. they paying the fuel bill?


I disagree.

I know it was controversial; but, myself and many other players appreciated that EVE in this respect simulated life. If you were careless or greedy, you got smacked for it in the wallet.

I never did. I never fell for it.

Did I appreciate it?


Steve, since you’ve been kind enough to post in this thread. I want to take a moment and remind you and others that this type of story:

It is why many of us started to play EVE. I certainly don’t pay to play EVE to pve. It’s the human element, the pvp, on whatever level, in this case market level, that gives this game any value at all.