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obviously by making it way more expensive to the point were is no longer as profitable as before

You are confusing basic trading and manipulationā€¦

Manipulation happens outside the markets as is not touched by these changesā€¦The big NS blocks still will rule trade in NE and still manipulate things at will. Now their volume will play to their advantages even more soā€¦

They probably think that if they make it ridiculously hard to make isk they can sell more Plex and get more cash from players nor wanting to deal with the increased grind. Only problem is this is offset by how many accounts unsubbing as they become tried of the bs or not interested in reskilling into something different constantly.


The big tell will be when CCP/PA hits the SP farmersā€¦then we will know really whatā€™s upā€¦

That might be coming soon as thatā€™s a lot of people that play for freeā€¦

CCP is hoping that their triglavian content will replace all the playstyles they are killing.

I donā€™t even know what are you talking about now

Seriously, :red_circle: CCP on war with BOTs, it is a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  myth, urban legend of EVE. All they do is kicking players in balls saying that they fight with bots. :red_circle:


Iā€™m not surprisedā€¦

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It is 1.3% of orders, not trades - big difference as a few very actively managed (to put it nicely) big orders can result in huge numbers of salesā€¦

I agree heartily with your conclusion but I donā€™t like it at all.

Cā€™mon, is obvious that you donā€™t even have a clue, still, time will tell how it all goes

They were already hit hard especially with all the free sp lowering their value. But this change will hit even harder. The margins have thinned out much more so these new changes will possibly end it completely. Imagine all the people trying to offload 500 injectors when they would lose their ass to adjust their order. Imagine trying to buy all that Plex under the new system lol. Sure you could say they can wait for their orders to fill but now that could mean so farm chars queue going offline to wait. The new ticks plus punishing order change fees will end it for many who were still hanging on after previous changes.

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That has already happened as we have seen no more % off of gametime or MCT for PLEX latelyā€¦

Has not effected me at all as the holy trinity of PLEX, extractors and injectors all rise and fall in sync generallyā€¦

Contractsā€¦big ticket orders are moving to contractsā€¦

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But you still had to buy order Plex and sell order injectors to be profitable. This means that in the event you have to modify an order to make your trading process go faster to keep them subbed / MTC you will hit the large fees causing you to choose either to let queues pause in the meantime or take a loss.

I guess back in the days you bought and hoarded PLEX from the proceeds of injector sales over time while waiting for the next sale of gametime and/or MCT for PLEX.

Possiblyā€¦you might be right but I see this moving to contracts as the logical move as it bypasses all this nonsense.

Hey, I just realized this will probably make the HyperNet Casino more attractive tooā€¦thoughts?

Maybe but no one is going to buy something on contact for more than the market price. It saves some taxes and broker fees.

The changes to margin trading feel like killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Surely, there must be some more elegant way of eliminating margin scams that still allows players to leverage their ISK and maintain liquidity in the markets? Fixing escrow percentage at 100% seems like a bad move for the individuals, but an equally bad move for a healthy market.

Changes to tick size had me uneasy at first, but more reading has made me think it might be fine. Relisting charges will slow things down, but coupled with the tick sizes, again might be fine. But this margin thingā€¦

No company wants bots completely killed off, bots are people buying lots of subscriptions. You hit them just enough from time to time to make players believe but not hard enough to scare off the botters too much. Unless their alpha clone bots but that wouldnt be lucrative for the botter anyway.

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