Broker Relations

If they are going to keep this in place it needs to at least show you what it’s going to auto adjust your “4 significant digits” to. It allows you to type any number in then auto rounds. If you accidentally miscalculate it means a pointless market update and blistering fees for nothing.

On the plus side, we definitely won’t have inflation anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Changing 0.01 isk to 100 isk is not a big change either, at least I’m all asked to put 100 isk on top.

Problem happens when you need to undercut 39,980,000. If you accidentally do 39,979,000 it’ll auto-round to the current lowest order and put you behind that person. If that person has a massive bulk order your order isn’t going sell anytime soon and you just paid a crap-ton of fees to do it.


What a disaster.


enter that value, then press arrow down. it will round to the lowest acceptable value.


Malcanis Law?

Oh its still in full affect.

Those troubled the most by the condition are krabs

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Put it back this is crazy. I am a market guy and the math of the game is now messed up to where breaking even is only done by plexing. Some tests with items valued over 10M and under 280M per unit are now rounding either way beyond the market. The current value of things within the stations are massively rounding down to a degraded value by forced rounding. E.G a MTU from one seller to anothers pricing could vary in by a few isk normally but now is now forced to make jumps into unsellable pricing or accept a non profit trade price to make sales. The margins plus the extra tax costs is in lame mans terms putting a baseball batt up the asses of everyone into our stock market trends and analytics to forecasting and planning for a future in eve. CCP Really you don’t want my money anymore… I wouldn’t give my children the keys to my pickup or my boat or the quad but someone there does need a wink wink in the bum bum… LoL it sort of funny in one way and sad in another.


It’s like CCP doesn’t understand economics.


Imagine going to the grocery store. Before you go, list everything you want to buy. Eggs, milk, bread. Whatever price you pick, you will be held to that price for the next 90 days. If you want to adjust your price, you will pay a tax. If the store is out of the item, you will pay an additional tax, even though you obtain nothing. If your price is too low, you will obtain nothing, and you will still pay the tax. If your price is too high, you will pay a higher tax. Would you shop at that store?


It just sucks they are taking a space strategy game ment to inspire everyone’s imaginations and ideas of what it would mean to grow a corp and the economics of mining and manufacturing taking out the strategy parts from the bulk of players shows me at least that what once was is not the way it is today and my time is money and that was wasted in a game I loved up to a point where CCP is blind to us all I have been hoping waiting and watching as it has been falling apart even tried to make contact as a gamer over the years. If they could listen to the players not about the moneybags and ego’s I really think this could have been much better and stronger then shutting things down like it has.


Yah, someone at CCP is doing a terrible job.


It’s almost like someone already thought of this and realized it was a bad idea…

However, financial transactions taxes create many distortions that militate against using an
STT to raise revenue. STTs reduce security values and raise the cost of capital for issuers,
particularly issuers of frequently traded securities. STTs also reduce trading volume: studies
of existing STTs and other transaction costs suggest that the elasticity of trading volume with
respect to transactions costs ranges broadly between -0.4 and -2.6, depending on the market
studied. Markets with products for which there are more untaxed substitutes, such as
derivatives or foreign listings, have higher elasticities. Lower trading volume in turn reduces
> liquidity and slows price discovery.


Those are harsh words, Green Gloy, but I understand where you are coming from. The latest downgrade to the game, striking at the healthy, bustling market itself (CCP’s shining achievement) has me very concerned for the future of my favorite game.

This change to the market runs parallel to the overall longterm development strategy I’ve observed, too, in which they are rounding down the game.

Little things like adding price history charts, and the “stock” exchange ticker demonstrated an awareness that the market is a microcosm of real life economics - a high water mark in game development history - while the latest obstacle added to the market leads us away from that both in terms of the numbers of both casual and full-time market players, which will diminish because of this, and in terms of the loss of realism as more artifice takes us further away from what goes on in real world markets.

Of course we all want to see the market move faster than .01 ISK at a few times per second, but markets move slowly. They don’t go fast enough to make sane people happy. They can’t go faster or slower, or be kinder to new players. Markets by nature are a river of money and data, in constant communication, call and response:

“Gimme 5 here, 10 over there, now 15, now 20.”

If every time an auctioneer called out an increment, should each response be taxed? Should bidders have to pay a fee in excess of what they intend to later sell the item for? The rational answer is no. There’s nobody standing at the end of the row, with a notebook in his hand, saying, “OK you let the auctioneer go up by 10 increments, so multiply your item’s value by 10 and pay up!” No. Such a system in real life would be just as absurd as this change to our virtual economy here is proving to be.

Maybe full time basement lords with ZZ Top beards DO make those glacial changes happen - maybe it’s bots - so what? Together these forces created the 1-to-1 realistic movement of the global New Eden market in realtime. And you can plug a ■■■■■■■ spreadsheet into it. Amazing. Instead of paring this system down we should be finding new ways of adding octane and alcohol to the mix. Make it even more hyperrealistic by giving players access to their own, in-game AI bot upgrades that games the system for you, just like the PROS do it on Wall Street.

Or no, let’s just make it so they can’t update market orders like a human being would expect to be able to do in a game about playing realtime markets.

For fun I like to imagine what a sudden, shocking fee would do to the NYSE. Or to an auction house. Or to a store where the managers are changing prices. Now I can play it tonight


Well from what I have gathered is that they feed off of themselves. Most of them have great ideas and we have seen it over the years and more of the long term players have seen the changes that have helped eve become eve as you see it today better textures and graphics. Don’t get me wrong they have done great things too improve eve. But as any old players know there have been times where the non action has spoken louder then the good things and instead of just saying sorry we messed up lets fix this as a host of a great game and you our player base. But they have let silence show us how they want things to be in eve which we live with even if it’s not good for the community. One of the most hated ideas we have to live with in eve history is the Barge Balancing idea we are still living with today. They Took a very nice and graduitive tearing system into mining and made them all useless in my prospective. When in fact they all had there own jobs to do and for people that haven’t been around for it. A procurer had a mid rate yield increase but a great tank and 2 strip miners. Retriever’s had a massive hold and 3 strip miner slots with shield buff but nothing for mining yield, and the coverter only had one strip miner slot but a 250% yield increase but the smallest hold and was best in boosted fleets. There was a reason for them to be like that and now what they are all not so good. Take the logic out of things and they lose peoples interests. It’s what now covs to go for ice and procurers for everything else garbage is what I say meh…

Here’s hoping but the way it is at the moment I will let my contracts run out pack it up and get ready to fold up shop if nothings done by next sub I might have to put the clone into long term storage till things unfold maybe a year or two the sleep will do me good so cranky.

This is the same problem i have with MY game style (station trader) and how i kept track of stuff.

In my previous statement i have explained all the positive stuff the change brings with it so i wont repeat them again, i would suggest that you wait and observe the market for couple of weeks for the market to stabilize (or month as some predict). By then you will find new strategies to use in trading.

The complexity that you experience with keeping track of items now, we all have to cope with it. Instead of relying on a diversified portfolio you have now the opportunity to make ISK by focusing on few items that folks have abandoned. But wait and observe for now.

And yes is do agree that whales and super whales do benefit from this more than the new traders, but only short term imo. Long term new traders have better opportunities than we had when we started.

----Today’s rant----

I predicted that this change will abolish trading (gameplay) as a whole and the reason for it is that this change has not made EvE trading similar to rl trading AT ALL as CCP has stated it intends to do. I asked CCP to show me one market were these rules apply and i haven’t heard from them yet, im assuming they are still trying to find one (eBay relisting fee does not count). The term you CCP should google is “markup, markdown fees”.

Brokers COMPETE with each others to get traders using their platform, they lower their commissions and fees to COMPETE. They don’t all get together and decide that all brokers should INCREASE fees, and on to of that decide to take extra fees for relisting/changing ask price. FFS don’t even ask economist, just visit a broker website. Brokerage fee is taken when an order is EXECUTED , and/or ONCE for listing an orders, NOT for changing the price for that order.

----End of rant----

PS: i have canceled the subscription for half of my accounts, and the other half, depends if i find the trading in this game fun or not couple of weeks from now. I really don’t care if this change is good for traders or for the game, all i care about is to play a game i enjoy. Hopefully it still will be, atm ranting in this thread is more fun that actually playing the game.


That’s immediate orders, they were not changed in any way or shape.

Imagine delivering goods to a grocery store. Before you start doing that, list everything you have to offer. Eggs, milk, bread. Whatever price you pick, you will be held to that price for the next 90 days. If you want to adjust your price, you will pay a tax. If the store fails to sell that items, you will pay an additional tax, even though you obtain nothing. If your price is too high, you will obtain nothing, and you will still pay the tax. If your price is too low, you will obtain less profits.

Would you work under these conditions?

Yeh, hold on, I’m gonna start a gas station, I need to pick a price that I will pay for gas, and I need to pick a price that you will pay, and hopefully it works out, and hopefully the gas station across the street doesn’t guess at better numbers.


It is actually easier for casual players to sell or buy stuff now then before. Before that you didnt have a fee but someone 0,01 ISKed you within a few minutes. So were is the benefit of this fpr casual players.

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Actually my profits are going up. Since iam not getting 0,01 ISKed all the time i tend to sell my stuff faster.

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There is a difference between CCP having ■■■■■■ up or a lot of station traders complaining that there gameplay has changed. This thred ist hundreds of post explaining how new players or industrialist will suffer from this while all we new players and industrialist experience is the opposite.

Also those that cry the most are those with hundreds of billions or even trillions in the bank and especially it is station traders. The market and the game does not spin around station traders.

I guess you guys think the economy will collapse without you and the game will suffer. It wont. All that is going to happen is that new guys are getting less drowned by you infinite ressources and cheesy tactics

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