Broker Relations

This doesn’t change small markets much at all. They were already rather inefficient and not very useful for someone needing to buy (or sell) something as they were at the mercy of the trader placing the order. I guess this makes trading there more risky and might dry up liquidity some, but these markets didn’t serve manufacturers or end-users very well already.

However in the big, active markets, the combination of the tick size and the modification fee will crush spreads, probably to the point only the PLEX and injector markets were before the change. In those markets, unless you had max skills and a free Market Hub, it was better to trade to existing orders rather than make your own. You lost money 0.01ISKing a PLEX, so it was better to sell to a buy order than to try to be a trader.

Likely now, many more markets will reach this equilibrium. There is still room for traders with high skills and commitment to play around the edges or arbitrage plays over space or time, but most people should get better value from selling to, or buying from, existing orders as the buy/sell spreads will be razor thing. No more babysitting orders or pretending they are a trader by 0.01ISK the queue. Just an instant trade, and they can go about their business. And no more people just scalping a few percent through constant queue jumping.

I am convinced this will be the case for the most active items in the busiest hubs which is better for everyone but the station trader. There is a cost however on liquidity, and this may indeed negative impact the less traded items and hubs as the lower speed will discourage some traders, and the impact of the margin trading skill removal will be felt. So how the more thinly traded items are affected is a little less clear to me.

I guess we will see.

But TL;DR: people, stop just placing a undercut/overcut order whenever you need to interact with the market. Look at the spread, and you might just find you’ll save time and ISK buy completing an existing order.

Well yes, you may be right, and it might just work out OK.
I think we’ll see this weekend, when most things get sold.
The weird thing is that lots of things are on the market in sell orders, at a few isk above the buy orders (accidentally bebause of the selling mechanic change) but people are not buying them out.

Before, if you saw something on a Sell order for Buy order prices it would be gone in … seconds, and put back on immediately as a sell order. That seems to have stopped

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the taxes are now the broker fee/ the relist fee/ the transaction tax

With this patche

  • broker fee has increased in citadel
  • relist fee
    So yes the manufacturers will be more taxed .

( drawback) Moreover you won’t be able to sell as before, the market is not stabilized
so all the items with old trade rules will still compete with items with the new rules,
you won’t be able to transfer all these news taxes to the customer .

( advantage) As a manufacturer, you probably buy the basic material on the market,
I would say in that case, that it should be easier to buy through BO .

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This has always been the case.

You were doing fine before.

Hmm, no.

For one, most manufacturers don’t go in citadels.
The only manufactured goods that sell mostly in perimeter are … fuel ?

Then, relist fee does mostly not affect manufacturer.

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Of course not. I just manufacture to stash my stuff in a station and leave it there forever.

Unrelated, and stupid.



Totally unrelated. As said, I just keep the things I produced in my hangars and don’t put them up on the market, hence relist fees never impact me. :man_shrugging:

Honestly, though, this is just a new approach to the market and manufacturing. The last time I did a batch, I put it up for sale and certain items are still on the market after 6 months and even after about 30 order updates. I can’t figure out why, though. I think it had something to do with deteriorating prices and people selling under manufacturing cost.

Sure, have more drugs.

Or more like, you sell too high ? I mean, it’s obvious that you are high, but maybe too much ?


The devs didn’t even come up with this idiocy on their own:

"…That mechanics allow market bots to operate and keep updating their orders every few minutes, 23 hours a day and thus beat human players and thus generate profit for the bot makers/owners.

A simple solution that would kill most of eve market bots is changing the brokerage fee mechanics and make it apply on the full value of the market order whenever the order is being created (so as it is right now) but also whenever the order is being changed/updated by any amount"


They probably read the first post and never bothered to scroll down to even the 3rd one that states

"What no one seems to realize is that changes made to kill bots are changes that also kill players, especially when you consider the volume that some items are traded, this change would make it virtually impossible to update your price ever.

Oh, you got undercut? Well that’s too bad, unless you want to lose an enormous amount of isk, you’re stick until the next order finishes."



Ok I hear ya, so whats the Broker Fee increase on a player owned market set to 0%?

I dont relist much so the relist fee isnt going to impact me much

And is there any real impact for people using internal (corp, alliance or coalition) markets?

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Can’t any more.

Sure, it’s not like it had been asked for like 10 years.
FFS you really are stupid.


Oh yes I see it, sorry lol. So the lowest is 1% then? With half sink, half going to me?

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I was wondering that …
maybe it’s possible that the conglomerate owning the perimeter trading tower paid for the devs to get some … ahem: ‘female companionship’ or something, since they basically handed half of Jita trade to them, all wrapped up with a pretty pink bow on top.
… pretty much half of all buy orders are now in the TTT, which must be shitting ISK

Right, so why cant I just put my own station up somewhere and just set my market to 1%?

Sounds like the Broker % would be paid for by the sales %


Not really, no. At the time I first listed that last remaining item, the price was just about 3M above production. But since then prices went down hard and it’s just sitting there. Sales overall for the item also went down and people just kept pushing more ever cheaper stacks on the market. :man_shrugging:

A possible explanation is that there was a shortage on materials.
Therefore your 3M price was actually over present manufacturing costs, that were temporary inflated.
That’s something you can learn to detect, and avoid.

Being efficient at the market involves accepting your mistakes and learning from them. Here you made a mistake, obviously, you can either accept it, learn from it, and consider that loss as the price of your learning, or rant and end up doing the same mistake again.

I think I lost like 10B in the market before I started becoming profitable. I was not ready to lose that much, mainly because it takes time to accept your mistakes, and also a lot of time to fix them.

Well not in Perimeter or other hub a bub systems no, but Im sure elsewhere this wouldnt be a difficulty?

Edit: Besides, if its up to sell for me rather than make anything out of other sellers, is that an issue?

We see now the actual supply and demand with the traders gone. Which is a fraction of the action going on before, sometimes maybe even zero.

I also can see a sharp decline in broker fee ISK sink this month, even after the raise.