Broker Relations

I already assumed they had the market sewn up, for what it was worth to them, leaving the rest of the scraps for opportunists like me to take up.

I canā€™t figure why ccp would hand the main money faucet in trade, to a now unstoppable cartel of a small number of players.

PS: Sorry for the dumb question, but how do you see the orders open in the region ?

With the new re-list fee taken into consideration, yes, they likely would take a loss depending on the profit margin for said product. The margin obviously varies per item, but with the latest market change, just relisting once or twice will almost nullify that profit entirely. So good for you if youā€™re holding the top spot, but the second youā€™re outbid, youā€™re now stuck with product on the market that wonā€™t sell because the lower sellers can just keep placing more orders up once the old ones are sold. So you either relist to sell (which youā€™ve already lost your profit margin) or you wait and hope your product eventually sells before the timer expires.

What Anderson said in regards to ā€œtaking a lossā€ does not really apply in my market. Very few ā€œacquireā€ for cheaper or are trying to ā€œdump stockā€ to move on. Itā€™s literally market PvP. You either hold low sell or you donā€™t sell. Simple as that.

That literally means that your profit was below 1.5% (for two order relistings). 0.5% for structure.

Either you are very dumb, or you are exaggerating a lot, in order to create an issue that does not exist in the first place.

Thanks for the numbers. I see a lot of orders created before the change just stay unchanged since. Only a fraction (~10-20%) are newer or changed. Iā€™m currently doing some price battle with myself to confuse the competition. :stuck_out_tongue: The small orders help to sell stuff for the higher price from the next order.

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If it wasnā€™t an issue, I would never have brought it up. But sure, Iā€™ll buy that Iā€™m exaggerating a little because I havenā€™t bothered to do all the math with relist fees after the latest update. But in any case, market PvP is what I did. Relisting was a common thing I did all the time. With relist fees introduced, that cuts into all profits no matter how small or large the margin was. I only averaged 2 relistings per day for all my product, but most of these listings stay up for a week or more. So take that into account and youā€™re now at double digits for relisting. I donā€™t need to do any math to know profits likely wonā€™t exist at that point.

Yeah so you accept to use complete BS values just in order to make up a problem that does not exist when you use real values.

Yes you do. As you showed, your evaluation is wrong when performed without rigor.

If you cut 4 digits, that means worst case 1001 becomes 1000 so itā€™s a loss of 1/1000. If you cut someone who cuts you, at most you lose 2/ 1000 of the sale, thatā€™s 0.2%.
Again, complete BS.

Alright, Iā€™ll humor you for a moment. So if I trade at a station (not structure) and list an item, thatā€™s instantly 5% removed. How much is taken out per relist? Does it change or is it fixed? How much would it be after 10 relists?

Stop arguing with Anderson, heā€™s not a trader, heā€™s delusional.
Everything he says screams of ā€œi have no basic understanding of tradingā€, yet he keeps ignoring more experienced people who try to explain the basics to him. He even tries to teach THEM and call BS on everything they say, as if he had such a higher level of trading understanding no one, absolutely no one in almost 2,000 posts can comprehend his next level ideas.

He keeps talking about ā€œintelligent pricingā€ just because CCP mentioned the term - one would wonder how someone who knows so much about ā€œintelligente pricingā€ was defeat by .01isk traders (and holds such a grudge against).

If you looked up Dunning Kruger in medical journos, you would find a photo of Anderson Getenā€™s Avatar.


Oh Iā€™m aware. If you scroll up enough youā€™ll see the cluster ā– ā– ā– ā–  with my first post in this topic and what the end result was, lolā€¦

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No. Compared to before, itā€™s literally more 0% isk removed.
The fact that brokers+tax remove 5% does not mean that you are at 5% margin -.-

You are not experienced. You are full of ā– ā– ā– ā– , and your interventions have zero relevance to the topic.

The only thing you can sell is salt, which you indeed are an important producer.

ā€¦ aaaaand I never said anything about margin in my last post.

I thought my questions were pretty simple, but youā€™re really struggling to even comprehend them (again).


But thatā€™s what we are talking about since

And you answer to a post that was in that context.

Itā€™s your fault if you donā€™t try to remain in context.

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lmao. Ok, Iā€™ll start using pictures since youā€™re so confused what talking points you should be addressing.


Now instead of 5%, weā€™ll use actual numbers. So, taking into account said item sells, Iā€™ll lose 5.56% off the top.

My very simple questions that I already asked wereā€¦ how much do I lose from one relist? 5 reslists? 10 relists?

You stated in another topic that 4 relists was equal to listing an item. So does that apply to stations and structures or what? Iā€™m asking you for clarification, not to be confused by simple questions unrelated to another post.

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Lol the irony in this comment ā€¦ Please take a step back and look at yourself. You constantly feel the urge to post tens / hundreds of responses in this thread to to insult and call everyone elseā€™s opinions BS. Your responses are always wrong - anyone can tell you donā€™t trade and you fail to understand the most basic stuff. At this point most people come here to this thread to humour themselves baiting you to talk nonsense. Your responses and indepth trading explanations never fail to ā€œimpressā€ā€¦ not for the good reasons, though :slight_smile:


Actually Iā€™ll do the math for you since youā€™re lost misunderstanding my posts again.

I stand to gain a pure 31m ISK in profit from the sale of 10x of an item. So roughly 3.19m isk for 1. If I was to relist right now, Iā€™d lose 5.98m in fees for relisting that order. How much would I lose for relisting a second time? A third time? Ten times? Thatā€™s my question that youā€™re struggling with right now.

So unless the formula is way different than Iā€™m being led to believe, it looks to me like 6 relists will negate my profits for that order of 10 I have listed, no?

The fee doesnā€™t go down based on how many times you relist, so you would lose more than all your profits with 6 relists based on your relist fee of 5.98M and profit of 31M isk before any relist. Of course if you sold some of your items during that time then the calculations would be different.

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Amazing !


If I want to change the price of my item ā€œone tick downā€ the amount of fees is 10 * amount difference ā€¦

Comunism dreamed about this, CCP make it reality !!

Hey guys, please ā€¦ give me only one exemple of real taxes market working like that ā€¦


Thatā€™s what I thought. Thanks for clarifying since Anderson was struggling with it.

Right, which makes sense. Problem is my marketing relies on relisting to stay competitive. So sucks for me I guess!

Thatā€™s completely in contradiction with what you were saying here :

You wrote that you come here to antagonize.
So no, you are not asking for clarification, but for trolling. Therefore I will ignore any kind of rhetorical question you ask, and try to keep what remains of a discussion on topic.

Iā€™m not struggling with it. Itā€™s just unrelated. Also I answered to it when I told you that your margin is below 1.5%.

If you lose all your profit with 6 relists it means you had less than 4.5% margin to start with.