Broker Relations

Wow. The elimination of margin trading nerfed you directly! That must have been a gut punch.

I probably sold to you the one and only time I fell for a margin scam. :slight_smile:


Very well said. I do think there is still profit to made with this new market implementation. And yes, I used to catch my modules in buy orders frequently by making the price very similar in appearance. But even if I did not get my item back. The sale price was more than compensatory.

This entire change simply punishes any form of interaction with the market.

I have a month old order up. I see that I can be first to sale if I drop the price by 10 million total, however doing that also costs me 25 million broker fee? In what world does saying “hey bro, you can have it for cheaper” cost such ridiculous amounts of money?

Why is reacting to changing market conditions punished?


It seems cos of bots, well if you belive. But man, I m not sure.
I ve been trying this out, but everytime i try i hit a wall which i cant get passed by.

Oh forget it, i dont even care anymore, i guess ccp is right, every pro ppl are right, it’s me. I ll just move on.

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It’s not.

relisting fee != punishment. It’s just new rules. You punish yourself when you don’t take it into account. Just because you feel punished does not mean that you are.

{citation needed}

CCP did not talk about bots. The closest they did was

A tiny minority of orders (less than 1.3%) are modified more than eight times. Among these are orders that are being modified hundreds of times, with behavioral patterns that are very likely not human. With these changes, such excessive behavior will quickly lead these market-addicts to bankrupt themselves.

but it’s not bots. It’s “excessive behavior”, and they explicitly call them “market-addict” not bots.

i ll feed the troll :slight_smile:
These changes will positively impact the market, and better support fair competitive trade between players . Once again, the commitment to fighting botting in all its forms in EVE is absolutely firm, and moving forward with these changes means that the market and the player behavior involved will be closely monitored once these changes are live and in your hands. Further adjustments will be made as necessary, but for now, any open feedback and discussions from the community are welcome as usual, so feel free to head on over to the discussion thread on the EVE Online Forums to take part.

Yeah but as you quote, it supports “fair competitive trade between players”.

CCP did not say that people who abused the 0.01isk were bots : they said that they were not partaking in a fair competitive trade.

It’s even more obvious on this paragraph :

The intent behind these upcoming changes is to support a healthy and live open market, allowing competition to remain fair between players . The prohibited use of automation techniques used by malicious players on the in-game market is a frequent subject of discussion, so there is absolute commitment to fighting bots in New Eden.

As I wrote at the beginning, I used programs that allowed me to show the ingame market for the item that was cut, as well as putting the new price, so that I needed the least interaction in the game to cut people. I am not a bot, but I was heavily using automation, because the market needed to. (to be fair, not a lot, but it was to tell people to ■■■■ off more than actually sell).
heavy automation was punished, and so the bots that used it, but bots were not magically removed just as clever automation was not.

i m gonna try one of your statement ‘BS’

OK so I’m gonna teach you how to use it : it means that the post you answer to was making assumptions, that are possible but not proven, and yet considered as obvious to the point they are not stated.

For example, let’s state that “the sky is green”. This is false, but whatever. I mean, we assume the sky is actually green.

Now let’s assume a reason why it’s green : “assuming the sky is green because it’s full of the bodies of dead green dragon who were punched to the stars, we can ask ourselves if the punch killed them or if they died when being stuck in the sky for long enough”. It’s an explicit assumption.

Now let’s affirm an assumption is true : “the sky is green because the god of fire put all the red in the volcanoes, and the god of water put all the blue in the oceans”. That’s BS.
It’s a myth, it’s nice, it’s poetry, it pleases the mind, but it’s BS. If you want to discuss, you can’t accept a myth to force its assumptions into the discussion.
Here it’s the same : we can’t accept you to force your assumptions that “CCP did that only because of the bots”, while it’s very clear that CCP did that generally speaking against people relying on heavy automation.

Because then you place any heavy automation user as collateral damage of the change, while in reality it was the things that had to be removed.

CCP probably thinks they have evaluated the impact based on the last 30 days of activity, but we won’t actually see the impact until well after 90 days. Lots of people will naively think they are making smart financial decisions, and then they will only gradually start to realize they are losing money, and it will still take additional time for them to adapt and try to figure out what they want to do.


Dude i admire you :slight_smile: I salute you. :slight_smile: :pray: :pray:

It’s been seeming like the size of individual buy and sell orders has dropped for a lot of the items I tend to look at, which makes me think the changes are having an impact. No one wants to put up a buy order for an quantity greater than 1 anymore. :smiley:

And spreads have maybe widened for some items - I’m theorizing it’s due to the small order sizes, and perhaps the elimination of margin trading, which have reduced the overall depth of the market for those items. (Meaning, smaller total volume of buy orders means the market clears more quickly, widening the spread.)

Plus of course, the 0.01isk change means spreads are both widening and narrowing more quickly than before, so some of these moves might be more pronounced.

But still not totally clear how any of this helps with botting, since the new paradigm demands even more babysitting than the old one.

EDIT: This is entirely from a shelter-in-place Jita perspective. Never undock.

Whatever we say it’s not gonna change their minds. Some folks are against it, some folks are for it. It’s ccp’s game, they will do what they think it’s right to do. Only thing we can do is, play their game or don’t play their game i learnt this playing eve online since 2010.

I admire you ppl, both sides pro and against it, but that not gonna change a thing, knowing ccp history :).
Simple if u re against it, dont trade, dont manufacture, simple dont do things, and if re for it, enjoy game while you can :slight_smile:

A note for management @ CCP, this market change is why I’ve decided to stop playing this game. Market trading, and skillful use of Margin Trading, was how I chose to make my money in the game. I worked out of the Metropolis and Heimatar trade markets. I didn’t make oodles of cash, I made enough to keep my other scant interests going and my account funded. In one fell swoop you’ve affected my bottom line by doing the following:

  • You’ve increased my cost to modify my orders
  • You’ve increased the gap that I could modify my orders by
  • You’ve removed my capability to slowly turn a bit of money into quite a bit more money.

This is not a rant, outpouring of emotion or a fit, simply a statement that you’ve removed the features that allowed me to enjoy the game you make. This is why I’m not playing anymore.


That’s the definition of a rant. Not a rant, would be, doing it silently.

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Oh, look - The colors. Remembers me of old trading times !
Ohhhh, soooo nice colors :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:
The colors ! Looks like yellow LSD pills or PacMan`s…


Haha Christ you’re one to talk about doing things silently.


If people make no money, the price of plex will collapse until it’s affordable.

In the end, people who make most money COMPARED TO OTHER can afford to plex. The goal is not to have money, but to have the highest ratio of isk per hour.

You are still trying to push your agenda to show that this is a bad change, while actually it’s just bad for your gameplay.

I agree with what you say with some comments
I don’t think we will see the rise of the Plex like in the past , now with all the changes it is well controlled by CCP .
If you try to sell it during a promotional time :

  • you can’t really use the SO , become not practical and so driving the BO to decrease.
    Your order is “immobilized” due to the relist fee
  • the demand is strangely not as high as it used to be
    ( plex not anymore a gold standard ?, less botting account, no more out game casino … )

Any high volum or any “expansive” item ( > 2-3M) will become “immobilized” order .
Except for few items ( depending of CCP action , example ores) , their market is going down.
Unless some big traders buy them all .
In a bear market what would be wise to have is isk not asset.
I am getting rid off quite everything I have, taking advantages of the “high” prices lol .

@Gowa_Hyasyoda with your 1% and your 99% , you sound like Bernie :smiley:
we already have here a trump poster with no arguments, no clue just quoting CCP all day.

The f ?

That change was only an isk sink for people doing station trader. For everybody else, there was NO change. The isk FAUCETS especially did not change at all with that “broker retaliation” update.

It does not mean that people that are playing the game can’t make money.