Broker Relations

Not sure about these changes.

They work as intended, check. Bots and bot like behaviour is strictly punished by isk loss.

I am playing now for 3 months, trading constantly, before I updated my trades several times per hour, now I do it once per day, sometimes more often, profits have increased for me a lot, going from 1 bil isk to around 5 bil since change.

Keep in mind I also haul to Jita, and do all kinds of stuff, not just station trading. I also keep my orders at 30-50 milion isk.

I can. Imagine this change is bad for someone with 100B, trying to update oversized orders like they used to.

But for new players this is a win. I like it, am I the only one? I bought Omega for 3 months in advance now, feeling a lot of fun with especially trading.

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It doesn’t have to be a genius to see that the “botting” part does not hold water .
Even in their action botting report ( see The Fight Against Cheating in EVE Online)
there are no mention of the “trade” bot aspect .

Justifying the broker change as a mean to fight the bot is simply a joke .
I don’t like these changes, that’s for sure but I won’t judge them under the right reason
not the fallacious one.

A market bot wouldn’t be a faucet.

someone in-game told me it’s to lighten the overall load on their servers, simplifying and rounding the market as a whole, shrinking it down. same as the way they’re paring back the chatrooms, and other in-game features with lots of moving parts. same as they have done with this very forum.

they round this game down anymore it’s gonna be a blunt object

They’ve worked continuously for years and years to make massive fleet fights work more smoothly (and succeeded to more or less of a degree), but the market is too excessive a drag on performance? When the market is so central to the entire game? Doesn’t scan.

If they want to decrease load on the servers this is a rather bad move as all the relist fee does is cause more smaller market orders.

One common forum user assumption in games forums is that developers do not know what they are doing.
Developers do weight consequences/outcomes and in F2P/Subscription Games the changes are usually being implemented after a long term plan and for certain reasons.

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Complete non argument. Planned or not the relist fee is a bad change and plenty of reasons have been put forth in this thread.

Trading now = higher probability of loss = less interaction.

Arguments are the base of discussions, thanks for participating.

Disagree, trading now = millions of tiny orders being used to stay at the active bid/ask price = more interaction.

So why didn’t you have any. Arguments from authority are a fallacy.

The patch change is a strong argument,sounds like a CCP plan.

Just be honest, CCP. You got tired of people submitting tickets after they got wrekt by my margin scams for tens of billions at a time xD. I plexed 4 accounts effortlessly with that scam and had plenty of ISK to play with. But other market players were starting to figure out my technique and were attempting to emulate it. This update allows me to retire at or near the top before the common folk flooded the margin scam scene. But, of course, Rupee Rue will always be #1. o7, Rupee. I hope you’re sipping drinks on a beach somewhere.

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It is clear that sins the announcement of the change value of assets are on a downward trajectory. These are non ship assets.

Prices are overall going down with some exceptions in certain categories.

This opportunity to profit is to sell now and buy again when the price plains out. But it is very discouraging to see that ones wealth diminishing.

The definitive number that proves this is the average value of all assets, the app im using does not show this but i am recording it day by day and will share when the price stabilizes.

This also happened with the previews tax broker fee change.


Yes that was I saw too, a general decrease of prices .
In your case as your soft does not take into account plex, if you have been buying them since the beginning of your decrease that would explain it .
Your decrease is really too sharp.

After watching closely your chart, might be you have bigger stock that were devaluated. ( you are too rich :smiley: )
I can’t see your action since there is no wallet chart .

Plex,injector, extractor, daily, faction items , a lot of items more than 1M/unit are suffering till the new relist fee .

I ma sorry to tell you that there will be very few chance that it would have the same effect that the first change on the amount of broker fee.
The relist fee just broke the old system .

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So it has been about 2 weeks since the controversial market changes and I have to say they have not been good for me.

I was a regional trader, mainly buying faction and blue loot in Jita (from sell orders) and sending it to multiple hubs and regions all over high sec. I am not a big trader compared to some in Jita, but I would routinely buy and ship between 40-60 billion of goods each week. So far since the change, I have bought 7.8 billion of faction and blue loot.

I used to trade in hundreds of different items, now I trade 4 items in Jita. The excitement is unbelievable! :roll_eyes: There is far too much risk buying faction and blue loot and trying to sell it in other hubs, even Amarr under the new rules. These items are very expensive, but sell very slowly, meaning it is very easy to get undercut and have your order blocked, tying up huge amounts of isk. Listing expensive items that may only sell one per week is now a death sentence for traders like me.

You can also see the ripple effects of this decision in other areas. Haulers have taken a large hit, especially those that do high collateral runs. Some may say this is good, gives more chance for someone else to step up, but that is wrong. There are only a few very good haulers that will put 50 billion in a dst or 30 billion in a freighter and be successful. They know and understand the risk, but find the challenge fun and exciting, not to mention the large rewards. These contracts were very common a month ago, now I have only seen 1 such contract in the past 4 days and these specialty haulers are logging in less and less.

I hear from haulers that this has also has a negative effect on ganking, especially now that there are less expensive goods moving between hubs. They are being scanned far less than before and gank fleets in the pipes are becoming less frequent. I can’t say for certain if this is true, but most haulers tend to be aware of their surroundings.

The market place is the heart of EvE. Every aspect and play style, in one way or another touch the market. As I said earlier, these changes have gutted high end regional traders like myself and am positive CCP does not have the gonads to reverse their decision. I am sure others like this change and have made a successful adjustment to the new market, but for me, trading 4 items in Jita is just not fun nor a challenge. We will see what the future holds and I will try to adapt and see where the market goes from here, but I find myself less interested in EvE than ever before and as a result log in less and less.


blue loot usually refer to drifter loot, that is bought at fixed price in some NPC stations

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Would green and blue faction loot have been a better description?

Deadspace loot! That’s the phase I wanted!

Logging in less and already forgetting the terminology. :slight_smile:


I think it would be interesting to someday see a report on how the change impacted different trading styles.

The changes have been survivable for me. My trading alts do a little bit of everything, including hauling. They go the opposite direction from you: buying stuff in other regions and bringing it to Jita to sell.

With the changes, hauling has become more lucrative for them, not less: the price differential between Jita and everywhere else seems to have gotten larger, on average.

They still manage the same set of buy/sell orders. They are more cautious than before, placing smaller order volumes and choosing their items carefully. I want to see a month’s worth of data before assessing the overall impact on profits, but they’re still making money.

At this point I think I will survive. But it definitely seems possible that niche play styles – for instance, specializing in very expensive, low-volume items, as you do – could become more difficult. Whether that’s a big enough problem to say “the changes are bad”, I don’t know.

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