Broker Relations

not true, it changed for everyone but ppl who set order and forget it!
Only benefit from this change have those who acutally didn’t need change! They already had everything in thair hands. After this update ppl who had this in thair hands now dont have any means to do antyhing about it.
I like eve cos you have options doing things, cos someones mistake is my advantage but in each update ( also market update) those ways are less and less in numbers.

It is a bad change for me, but it is also a bad change for the game. PLEX is dropping, but not as fast as some other areas. It is a very heavily traded item, so I expect the decrease to be somewhat organized. However, look at some of the t2 salvage and rigs.
The bottom has fallen out of some items, down 30%, 40% even 50% over the past 2-3 weeks. I am seeing PI start to fall as well. This will be a trend all over the market place because of the new rounding rule for listing or modified orders.

Trit prices spiked after the latest mineral announcement, but some popular t1 ships keep falling in price because they are being overproduced because the “liquid” market is shrinking, players are afraid of getting pinched by lower orders and needing to modify at punishing fees.

Now with the new rules, one modification changes the price down by 1000 isk whereas before, it may have taken 100, 500 or even potentially 100000 modifications to drop the price 1000 isk. The old 0.01 isk system had it’s flaws, but the smaller increments kept a relatively stable market.

ppl will not simple put buy orders, we will not have that buffer wich pve players use to sell goods. In future, ppl will go after those pve activities which have npc buy order.

T2 items was one of the few places I ever felt there was serious botting activity, because the level of competition was out of whack for the expected return: orders being updated every five minutes on items with a volume of less than 1 sale a day.

So perhaps the bottom falling out of the T2 market simply reflects the removal of botting. In other words, the previous prices were artificially high.

Not saying for sure. Just relating my experience in trying to use buy orders on T2 items.

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I was in T2 rig industry, there was some fierce competition, but i always managed to sell all my t2 rigs. i was like 2h per day monitoring market, mayber 10-50 modifying order on a good day. Now, there is no way to sell anything meaningfull without been undercut with 5 or even 1 rig market order. So i pulled out. Trying to see can i find something meaningfull for me in eve.
I used to make 2x 420 T2 medium rigs each day, sell em and repeat process each day. Tried it after market patch, simple no go.

You guys.

While you cry how bad Broker Relations are, I am making ISK, everywhere. I can place orders and leave them unattended for day or two and they get filled.

Imagine that few months ago, everything would get .01 ISK-ed.

So keep crying while I take your former profits.

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The cost of changing an order is huge, with all skills V, it still costs 1%, even decreasing the price by 0.1%…Considering the profit sometimes is just 20% of order value, several changes would rip off profit completely, and more players would quit production or trading, I don’t think that’s good for the entire community.
I don’t doubt that the majority of orders are never changed. But I do think that it’s the frequently changed orders that make the market live and fun. There are a lot of “dead” orders with very high sell price or 1 isk buy orders. They are never changed, but they contribute nothing to the market. The intention to limit changes is acceptable, it is just the cost is too much to make the market active like before

Here’s a really small thing that I just realized I miss: When you could 0.01 ISK, I could often identify traders by their pricing habits. THIS person always increases prices by 1.00, or 10.00, or 100.00; THIS person always ended their price with .99; THAT person would do a random increase somewhere between 0.35 and 10.

The new four-significant-figures rule has made updating prices more straightforward and easier, but at the cost of that individuality. Not a big issue; just something I realized today.


If 99% of the 1% can become the same wealth as the current 10% of the 90%,
then ISKiecare can be affordable for 100% of people !

Because this is a game and trading in this game is not in any shape or form (if one exclude the ability to create buy and sell orders) tries to “mirrors aspects of real-world economics and financial markets”. (“One of the guiding principles for the market in EVE Online is to keep intact how closely it mirrors aspects of real-world economics and financial markets. These principles are held firmly in mind when moving forward with any changes to the in-game market.”) ~~ CCP Broker Relations Devbog.

Real markets do to charge costumers fees for modifying orders.

That statement by CCP and the contradiction between the stated goal and the implemented change suggest that CCP has no clue how real world markets work.
When it comes to the trading in eve, this inability to create a fair trading conditions, which real world markets provide, will most likely lead to similar changes that makes the “profession” of trading unsustainable.

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<-- “Member of Doomheim”

<- “member of no fock given”

and yet you wrote it :slight_smile:

And I still am in that corp.

After two weeks, I now do mostly meta-gaming when it concerns EVE. Update spreadsheets because the corporation depend of them, and log in Mumble while playing Factorio. No more need to check market orders, they change too rarely for that and it is surprising when I get a transaction record.

I could probably adapt but I don’t have the motivation to do it anymore. Each time I start the EVE launcher, I feel a serious moral fatigue which stop me to press the play button sometimes.

Fortunately for the moronic idi… for CCP, they don’t need the players to log in, they only need them to pay. So no problem here.

Maybe I will find a new motivation someday but for now, as I am not in PVP or standard PVE, I would rather play some real games.


The real issue is that you were not in trade either.

I encountered many PVP players who said that as long that you don’t do any solo-PVP, then you are not a PVP player.

I wouldn’t be surprised that my way of doing trade isn’t be the same as yours and so that I am not a trader in your eyes.

I still have for 60 B of stuff in the market all characters included, so I will do the minimum presence to finish them.

I like the changes. Probably because they work great for me.

I at least doubled my profit over the last weeks compared to before the changes.
Its less competition, no ■■■■■■■ 0.01 games and higher margins then ever. And from what I see not a single bot in the stuff I trade. Its awesome.

no, I mean that if you stop because you can’t do easy spam money, then you are not trading but using a low-IQ activity.

Well, I made many buy orders at really low prices before the patch as stated here, and some of them are still doing good. Far less transactions but a greater margin wherever I want to sell the acquired stuff. I also made funny moments like selling a thousand frigates within two days because of the PVP SP bonus period (poor coalition KB) (of course with a decent margin) in null-sec =)

It is not like I can’t do money with the new market, but I have lost all motivation mostly because I didn’t expect CCP to do something like that, even if I lost faith in them since 2011. They go past all limits of stupidity and I hoped that with the Blackout they would finally stop but clearly they don’t. And knowing CCP’s history, it will need a Blackout-like crash to make them swallow their dumb viking pride and make more balanced market rules.

So, I am tired for now. Launching the client give me the same feeling than doing a chore. Even taking care of Google spreadsheets give me more fun.

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