Broker Relations

I doubt it, owed to the fact I know a considerable number of people who used to make T2, who are not even bothering now. This change may or may not have gotten rid of a few bots, but it has unquestionably removed players from certain aspects of the game, which is the hallmark of a poor change no matter how you look at it.

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A liitle from my side - Iā€™m a carebear that flying in hisec space and loot something I can. As a story - I really saw a bots that fighting 0.1 ISK and so on, this bota are really awful. But after your patch i really feel the problem - i cant sell my LP with good price and i canā€™t sell the loot with good price without becoming a trader. Every market change has big charge for me (hunt personge). I also should to take a look on the market instead of have fun and i was to create xls file to ensure that my market changes were profitable. i dont like this change, i think that fighting with bots is on CCP side and players is far away from it. Thanks.

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My Report from the Market.

After a while of being back, trying making and then selling things, I can report the following:
Itā€™s actually easier to sell things than before.

Killing relentless 0.01 isking, has clearly emptied the market of people; or rather bots, I suspect; that were doing it. And ruining the market.

And it wouldnā€™t take many botters eitherā€¦
Imagine, say there was about 50 people, with just 3 toons each, each toon with only 100 orders each.
Thatā€™s 15,000 orders, which is easily enough to completely camp, and ruin, every product in the market that had any kind of potential profit.

And Iā€™m sure now, that was exactly what was happening.

Once a botter-toon makes enough to Plex its account, then there is no limit to the amount of botting toons you can have,ā€¦ maybe the limit was how many virtual machines you could be bothered to run in windowsā€¦ Anyway

They have gone now.

And if there were people, basically being a bot and doing exactly the same thing, or more probably lying botters, lying about being a human ā€˜acting like a botā€™; I donā€™t give a crap, since they are dead too.


Of course your mileage may vary.


Well another stupid and broken featureā€¦
I resub to this game due to being Quarantined, try to sell a few junk and end up selling nothing and paying 2b of broker fees, then I relist my item lower and pay another insane amount of relisting fees.

Iā€™d expect these kind of bug to be fixed in a 20 years old game. No it is getting worse and worseā€¦

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Yep, my ammo buy orders from 2 hours before the patch hit are still goingā€¦ if I play for more than 10 mins, Iā€™m guaranteed to see a red -0 ISK pop-up on my wallet icon now and then even after nearly 4 weeks have gone byā€¦ that said, the frequency is way down. I think about 75% of the order bulk has been filled, though.

Iā€™m not planning on adjusting a single one of them. If any fail to fill within 90 days, oh well. Was just bonus trig and missile ammo on top of my current stores.

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Keep your spensive loot and use it now, later, or one dayā€¦ then itā€™s money youā€™ve saved by not having to buy that faction or deadspace module off the market one day.

Or, if itā€™s armor and you only fly shieldsā€¦ or vice versa, just sell it to a friend or fleetmate or corpmate via station trade in game for a decent price and get rid of it without having to pay taxes.

Here I was excited to return to Eve. Orders being changed hundreds of times? Thatā€™s my usual Friday and Saturday night. 6 toons, all market trading. No bots needed. Some people grind rats, some people grind rocks, I grind the numbers.
Is the goal to make it so hard to make isk we have to buy Plex?
What are you folks doing besides making vaporware?


You canā€™t sell expansive items ( with SO), the cost or relisting is simply debilitating.
Contract or Hypernet is more adequate even if not ideal .
Some idiots woudl say : if you are rich enough to get that kind of loot, you deserve to be taxed that way ā€¦

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Not only do you not define what ā€œexpansiveā€ is, but also not what ā€œdebilitatingā€ is.
So according to your definition, this was the case before. Therefore, nothing changed. So you are just ranting for the sake of ranting.

You 100% confirm my opinion - after this change the market becomes an special space for the traders, another players that doesnā€™t want to create excel tables should look at the farm where you get the clear ISK. Any mission/plex running was nerfed with this patch.

ATM market is only part of game which is heavy penalized with time spent in game.

I want to mine, my mine icome is proportional to part of time spent mining.
missions ~ time
ratting ~ time
ganking~ time
pvp~ time
ship fitting~ time
industry~ time

but market 1/time

No itā€™s not.
You are not penalized by the time you spend.

Status update.
People are still selling, prices are still dropping, i have not found a way to keep track of hundreds of orders effectively. By the looks of it, it is possible to make same profit with less items. With more items added over time the profit will be even higher than before (steeper increase).

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You were right to sell some stock and have more isk .

The decrease of your total asset must be due to the taxes ,
You have x M isk of total asset , when you sell them it is (x -taxes) M isk where taxes belong to [ 4.75%; ā€¦%]

Personnally I have switched completely from a day to day trade to a mid-long term trade since 2017.

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Indeed. Fours Guy has left us, nor shall we meet his like again.

I still donā€™t get why there needs to be a relist fee if the 4 digit rule removes 0.01 isking anyway. Just let people adjust as much as they want and let the price reach its actual equilibrium.

This patch consisted of the good the bad and the ugly:

Good - 4 digit rule

Bad - relist fee

Ugly - margin trading removal

That is an Ennio Morriconeā€™s patch .

ahahaahaaaa ā€¦ ahh ā€¦ ahhh ā€¦ ah ā€¦
this is the last breath of the trader after this patch :slight_smile:

Because it literally make no difference for prices below 10 isk .

0.01 isking prices under 10 isk isnā€™t unreasonable in the first place. They will find their equilibrium in decent time just fine.

Because an additional goal, IMO, was increasing the size of the ISK sinks in market trading. Which was needed, IMO. There is too much ISK in the game.