Intentionally going out of your way to pick a garbage ship, going AFK, and dying to a bunch of gankers is not good grounds for changing the game’s balance. Though I’m not surprised you support terrible decisions like that.
And I am not surprised you blame the victim and twist every point of contention into ridiculousness. With you around its like constant game of “stop punching yourself”. Grow up and smarten up.
Unfortunately, he brings up a good point almost every single time.
I think you missed a step there.
So I watched local, notta.
Since I saw notta, I decided to go back to watching netflix for 10 minutes.
Then 3 dessies appeared within blaster range of my retriever out of warp.
And is there a reason why you didnt set Safety. to red?
They dont do it for the loot.
Your killboard would suggest otherwise.
Next time, use a procurer
Math says:
Procurer wouldve survived. Next time dont be greedy and stupid and go with a procurer.
No, chances are you do it because its semi-afkable and easy to do while watching netflix or your neighbor through her window or something.
Well, maybe you should start doing it in 0.5. Or switch to a procurer.
Cry more loser.
This is an alt of an alt. My main pvp’s max skills in fw. My alt mines and indy when warzones are dead. This alt posts. So no killboard to lookup bro.
I lost a heavily tanked procurer on my main, with max skills like I said. So I extracted the mining sp and put it on a alt. That was well after they buffed barges.
Point is even after in a low sec system concord response is lengthy. And it doesn’t matter how tanky it is they will adjust for that by adding more shitfit dessies. A fleet doesn’t do anything but provide more killmails.
Barges need an ewar option. A deployable. Or something to give a active miner who isnt afk a chance. Period…
Btw safety is red to me. Just not goons. Local said a scout for safety, but goons showed up. Attention to details. Also there are no tears here. Ive killed plenty of defenseless miners myself. But I dont agree with it. I make way more income doing literally anything else. But its just something I like to do. And should be able to do.
I can’t believe people are treating OP as if he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I read that he was referring to a 0.5 system, but you read what you want to believe I guess…
I mean…
- .5 sec
- Low sec
Pick one?
Yes a 0.5 system.
Assuming good skills, your retriever only had 17k EHP.
(Fit and kill, see Retriever | Homeland3r | Killmail | zKillboard )
Please get a Procurer next time. It won’t stop you from getting killed, but it will make killing you more expensive.
ECM burst is available to Barges. So are scram, web, point and drone damage. If you’re using a Procurer.
We generally gank retrievers just for the tears, you supplied many.
Evil pirate aside, just because you think you know how to fit a ship, doesn’t mean you do.
If you don’t want to get ganked, Proc/Skiff. Less yield but it is not worth the Talos’s it would take to gank. Mining Barges Don’t need a buff at all. This is a PVP game. If you undock you are not safe.
If you’d like someone to teach you, I’d be more than happy to bring you to a group that can teach you that I am involved in.
Rule number one, post on your main or people will not take you genuinely.
This is my main, by the way.
To how many players and what type of ships did they use? A fully tanked procurer can easily outlive 10 players in destroyers.
Thats 100 million isk and 10 players, minimum, to take down a 30 million isk ship. Thats more than balanced, dont you think?
Concord response doesnt exist in low sec systems. I think you mean “0.5 Hisec systems”. And the response time is fast. Its only 21 seconds.
It doesnt matter how tanky it is, they will just adjust for it by bringing in more players.
Thats the definition of being balanced.
It takes 10 players and 100 million isk to take down a fully tanked procurer.
1 player and 30 million.
10 players and 100 million.
That is more than balanced.
You warp out to dock. Thats your option, if you truly arent AFK and are paying attention.
Problem is, you are afk.
Until you provide the killmail, all we have is your word, and all this looks like is you trying to shift blame to anyone but yourself.
I disagree with that.
I very much doubt that.
No one is preventing you from mining. I can undock and mine right now. Anyone can.
No one is also preventing me from ganking you, either. And we should be able to, wouldnt you agree? Shouldnt you be able to mine, and shouldnt we be able to gank you, too?
So fly a procurer.
Its a video game built around conflict and PVP, and you make your own choices as to what ship to fly and whether or not you are AFK. So yes, the victim is to blame. If you play call of duty and go AFK, and get shot, whos fault is it?
I suspect the killmail I linked above is his loss.
It’s the only retriever kill that perfectly fits his description and coincidentally that character has the same taste for sunglasses and caldari hat.
I thought he said he hull tanked his retriever. But its hard to tell what he meant because English may not be his first language.
If anything, Procurers/Skiffs need a nerf. They have way too much EHP. With 2 flights of light drones, even a small group of them is oppressive to engage.
Yea I was wondering about that as well. But he did also overheat his shield hardener. I expect the damage control unit is ‘hull tanking’ for him? Didn’t see any retrievers that were any more hull tanked than this, in the given time period, that were killed by 3 goons in a 0.5 system.