The economy EVE has obviously stagnated.
In order to rectify this situation, I propose to destroy all the property of the players. Given that the number of players has decreased, I propose to cut the number of systems in half. Also,
Philometes need to be removed from the game. The presence of an instant teleport removes the need to transport light cargo.
P.S: All property losses of more than trillions can be compensated by a 2-year subscription, skillpoints and Blueprint T2
Not at all, the price of stuff keeps going up. From a Capitalist standpoint the economy is healthy as a bull.
You’re free to destroy your property if you like but mine will be destroyed in combat. You can always contract your stuff to me if you don’t want it anymore.
How do you come up with such bad ideas, by flipping a coin?
So far I think it’s you who should be removed from the game.
So this is really a ploy by rich players to render the rest of us poor capsuleers even poorer.
I might’ve known
Let the triglavians burn Jita and Perimeter and take over then give all the confiscated assets and ISK to @Iceacid_Frostpacker so he becomes the new overlord of hisec.