I just noticed that the frequency of burner missions dropped dramatically since the patch today. Yesterday I had to decline like 3-6 missions to get a Burner missions, today I didn’t got any burner missions over like 30 or 40 missions.
Has CCP again changed something without mentioning it in the patch notes? And do you also noticed this?
If they did this, it would be good. Declining a multitude of burner missions in a row is irritating. However, the patch got postponed by a week, which means you were probably just lucky.
It is not the frequency, what bothers me. It is the range, what I think was changed. Last month I get burner missions 6-7 or even more jumps away. Almost always. So travel time eats the whole profit.
missions destination is not set in stone. Various parameters that impact them are the tidal amplitude, the number of sugars in your coffee, and the sismic level of djeknarzpekcadklajhaq (< the iceland volcano - sorry I missed a letter, it’s actually eyjafjallajokull)
I tried to make a statistical analyzis of the burners destination, but even with several systems, with hundreds of data each, I failed to find any significantly accurate model.
Sometimes a system will be the main system all your missions will go to. And for months you wont ever go there once again.
I found some systems which, for each parameter I could look up, are above and below at least one other system in the surrounding constellations, and have been ZERO time the destination of a burner mission over several hundreds missions.
So, you can say the missions “have been nerfed” once you have a correct idea of the distribution algorithm ; until then you just notice some things you did not notice before.
This reminds me of something I used to notice about two years ago. I was running missions for months in…heck I forget the system name now. But all (regular, non-burner) missions spawned within two jumps. Except one. There was one mission…Dread Pirate Scarlet if I’m not mistaken…which would always spawn in one, singular system, every single time, that was six jumps out. I wasn’t annoyed or anything by it. I was just fascinated that this one and only mission not only spawned further away, but that it also spawned in that same star system every single time. Once I noticed the trend I kept track, and it never spawned in any other system. Not once. And only that mission.
This reminds me of something I used to notice about two years ago. I was running missions for months in…heck I forget the system name now. But all (regular, non-burner) missions spawned within two jumps. Except one. There was one mission…Dread Pirate Scarlet if I’m not mistaken…which would always spawn in one, singular system, every single time, that was six jumps out. I wasn’t annoyed or anything by it. I was just fascinated that this one and only mission not only spawned further away, but that it also spawned in that same star system every single time. Once I noticed the trend I kept track, and it never spawned in any other system. Not once. And only that mission.
Certain missions are flagged to spawn further from the agent than others. Dread Pirate is one of them. Off the top of my head, Advantageous Catastrophe is another. How far seems to depend on where nearby constellations/regions are relative to the agent.
CCP needs to do a complete overhaul of the mission system. Having normal missions (with rejection penalty) lumped in with burners (a completely different style of mission with no rejection penalty) is stupid. That and the sheer imbalance of difficulty and reward between missions (particularly level 4 missions cough Massive Attack cough).
We need some sort of system where the player can ask the agent “give me a normal mission” or “give me a burner mission” and then maybe provide a list of 3 random missions that the player can choose from would be much better than the current request/reject/request/reject/request/reject/request/reject/request/accept system.
They could also do some statistical analysis on which missions get rejected all the time, and look at rebalancing those missions to make people actually want to do them.
But not gonna happen. I’m sure if CCP could get away with it without half the player base leaving, they’d probably get rid of missions entirely.
The problem with burner missions is totally the cherry picking.
Lets use “streamer A” as a example.
Streamer A turns down 400 missions a day to get a pile of burner missions. What “streamer A” doesn’t do is regular missions (at all) and also doesn’t care at all for his standing as it means nothing to him.
You see CCP makes standings then makes them mean nothing, and also introduces mass refusing of missions which also mean nothing. Basically there is no negative to having horrible standing and refusing piles of missions (real realistic).
Burner missions should of been a reward for doing well, but instead they mean nothing except to make those who care little of lore to prosper while those who follow the game the way it should of been intended to get f***ed. That is reality and not the way it should be, just the way it is.