actually you don’t.
If you hide things don’t expect me to have a guess. You just odn’t have it.
actually you don’t.
If you hide things don’t expect me to have a guess. You just odn’t have it.
I don’t actually understand what your saying but I will assume you want content (burner missions) for doing absolutely nothing.
I say your argument is based on nothing.
You affirmation is just your assumption : you assume that’s not the way it should be. Thus you can also assume the opposite for the same price tag.
You do realize, that this change will inject so much LP into the game, that you will be lucky to get 1000 isk / LP ratio where you can have 2500 ISK/LP now?
I am all for mission overhaul to make missions more diverse, mor interesting. But surely not more profitable, than they are now. You kill the current balance - you will have another one. The one, where you must work harder and longer to get same ISK for you time because LP will become very very cheap.
Not all LP are equal. One LP store seems to pay pilots per hour, mine doesn’t. How about CCP evens that out, then we talk “profit”.
how do you suggest CCP acts to balance this out ?
As you suggested, I went to metropolis to see the magic LP store that pays every employee 300 million per hour, I propose for the 5204957208904750284547864768275th time to remove the tag collecting thing.
The only reason you can get those faction probe launchers is because they don’t require tags and the sisters of eve ships only costs a chip that rogue drones may drop in any place in New Eden.
Selling things on the market also does not count. Whenever one goes to a trade hub to “trade” some Ferengi must always change it’s sell order by 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 isk below mine the second I leave the hub.
Oh my damn, I just fixed EVE.
if you remove the tags, the missions that provide tags (ie vs empire)will provide nothing
Hmm, those can always get a price tag like the others. Or they may drop those navy ship chips every now and then, like some storyline missions do once a year.
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