Burst ECM Frigs To Prevent Ganks?

It has three targeted ECM modules, but only one burst jammer.

The ECM modules are the solution that is as old as ganking - nothing new at all.

Because you can only have one burst jammer activated.

It worked for this guy:


I fit the noctis with a cloak and a ecm burst. 2 guys jump this toon, I start to aline out. My wife’s toon alines to me while uncloaking. She jumps to me at zero and starts to aline out with me. She fires off the burst. Everyone’s targeting goes blank and we both warp off! Worked in a wh anyway.

Removed some off-topic/inappropriate posts…keep it clean please :smiley:

ISD Bahamut

But… What happened to all the catty remarks about my wife???

Damm pg 13 rating! :rofl:

Edit And no, that wasn’t a comment on moderation. It’s more of a “If you cant laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at”.

You can laugh at me. Happens all the time on a few of the discords I’m in :stuck_out_tongue:

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It would not be a good game if you didn’t stumble over your own feet every now and then. :wink:

It did, but he points out that the ECM ships we’re killed by Concord.
Naturally someone asked him to provide an algorithm for Concord to know that the ECM ships were not being aggressive and merely protecting another ship. This doesn’t need an algorithm, if someone is in your fleet they should be able to provide support without being attacked by Concord.
I’ve run into this a number of times and it has always struck me as sort of stupid, I’m not allowed to protect someone in my own fleet?
I’ve heard various reasons (or frankly convoluted excuses) for this, none of which made any sense in terms of how any fight involving two or more groups actually fight with perhaps the exception of full on bar fights where drunks just punch anyone within reach.
The point is when a group of thugs attacks some random person in real life, someone stepping in to assist the person being attacked doesn’t get in trouble, especially if they happen to be a friend or family member or something. At least if the cops know what they are doing, and that’s a bit of a crap shoot in some places.
I’ve been asked about this sort of stuff by new people so many times it’s absurd and very hard to explain.
I think it needs fixing, Concord has some serious flaws that flat out discourage PvP, anger new people and older players alike, and since it’s easy to fix it should have been a long time ago.
All that needs to change is Concord detecting if the non-aggressor is in a fleet and then leaving the defenders alone.
Obviously if the defenders use area of effect weapons that would change things if someone out side the fight was affected by them, but that seems like a special case to me. ECM bursts shouldn’t affect anyone who hasn’t got anything targeted and they should just be able to go on their merry way not having had anything happen to them.
Even, I think, from the gankers perspective this makes sense, even if it does make ganking a bit more of a challenge.

Tyler, you are new to the anti-ganker fraction :wink:

Whatever you come up with to prevent ganks may theoretically and practically work but fail on the people front. There is no incentive or gain for an anti-gank gameplay which would bring larger number of people to do it. Your proposed idea would cost a lot of time, coordination and burns ISK with no return.

The only proven (by me and a few others) sustainable way of playing anti-gank is let the gank happen and steal the loot or kill the hauler and steal the loot then. Because this makes the anti-ganker having a payout, and the gankers move on or dock up.

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Pretty much the above, you’ll either do nothing, sit around on grid being ineffective, or get ganked first.

I do welcome the attempt though.

EDIT: I do love the resemblance too!

The ECM burst stuff doesn’t work any better than simply bringing DPS. Jamming isn’t guaranteed, and you are unlikely to be within range of all attackers to use it to maximum effect. Probably better off bringing a fast-locking Blackbird with targeted ECM instead.

How exactly is this “anti-gank”? Being anti-anything means you’re against the initial act, and not waiting for the act to happen so that you can avenge it, or profiteer from it.

Just remember, vultures are nature’s pacifists.

By playing the meta game, a few have to be sacrificed for the greater good. :stuck_out_tongue:

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