Caldari offensive on Fliet

Fliet is in fire. Fliet is under fire.

In a bloody struggle the glorious armies of the Caldari military is fighting to crush one of the last bastions of the Gallente foothold in lowsec in order to finally secure peace and security. This final effort major Caldari corporations have transported 14b worth of equipment, ships and armament to systems surrounding Fliet in order to prepare for a long and hard fight against Gallente and their affiliates.

The Caldari Military High Command has allocated its senior FC staff and veteran pilots to the Fliet area to capture, hold and defend key strategic locations within and around Fliet.

Caldari military veteran and senior commanding officer Solarus has been assigned with the task to rally and lead ongoing assaults on the system, while supporting FCs launch attacks on the surrounding system on Fliet.

On other front, the Caldari Protectorate of Viriette has been formed to secure borderlands of the empire, while new and veteran members of Militia help to safeguard the progress in an ongoing effort.

For the State! For an united Caldari!

Lambda Thyl
Commander of the Caldari Protectorate of Viriette


This implies a level of system and constellation control by State Protectorate that is beyond the current allowances of the Militia War Powers Act.

And considering the recent confirmation of your scouting forces in Intaki being destroyed before they even reached the surface of Intaki Prime, I’m even less inclined to believe it.


Except for, you know, half of the Josmaert constellation, all of Aeman, Alselbosier, Braille, Elerelle, Mallugier, Mobrault, Ganoure, and Woenckee, most of Marele and Nadire, chunks of Balrille, the Gallente Border Zone, Peccanouette, Spaen, and Thoulde, as well as isolated individual systems…

Is 14b supposed to represent a large amount, or are we talking like, two of my cruisers?

So this means literally any combat losses, losses of systems, significant thefts and other major criminal activity in the constellation is your responsibility, personally?


2 of my cruisers

This is a lot more typical of what I fly, and doesn’t include the value of my head, which is, after all, part of the fit. But then, there’s a reason so few of these have died.

The Caldari continue to throw money at their problems. We Gallente know that raw cash is no substitute in a war effort for training programs, recruitment efforts and strategic planning.

But, if the Caldari need to learn that lesson again, we are happy to continue teaching them how wars are won.

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And genocide, don’t forget genocide.

Be it cities full of civilians or a station meant to hold a peace summit.

Oh yeah and raw cash or did you forget the federation has one of the most expensive militaries in the cluster. And that’s to say nothing for your wonderful domestic spying to keep all the good little fed boys and girls in line based safely beneath one of your largest cities to ensure anyone would have to go through a human meat shield to even attempt threatening your power. Hell the amarr treat the minmatar better than you treat your own citizens.

I have to say that based on my experience yesterday, the most potent resource you Gallente possess is not training programs, recruitment efforts, or strategic planning - but rather, the coattails of actually competent pirates on whom you rely to win your battles for you.

In the context of “teaching others how wars are won”, we Amarr are fast learners. If your lesson for winning wars is that the victor needs not cultivate independence or skill, but instead needs to simply be bailed out by pirates outnumbering the foe 4:1, we will happily endeavor to adopt your strategy the next time around.


Congratulations to all involved with the success of the campaign.

You just gotta move your BLOPs up. Gallente will feed to the Legions just like Minmatar do. :slight_smile:

This aged well.

And, in time this will age ‘well’ as well. The warzones will flip, and the pendulum will swing, as it always does. While I do respect the effort and energy that went into the complex sieges, I’m under no illusions of how passing and ephemeral this victory, as all ‘warzone’ victories are.


This being what? Mocking the fool assertion that the Caldari presently lack the training, recruitment and planning to prosecute a war?

I don’t forsee any possible change in circumstances that would render such well deserved scorn ridiculous.



Sure is exciting watching the clock.


Such things could easily be said about nullsec wars. A changing of hands, a shift in management, and large expenditure of resources. Then business as usual.

I never thought will say this… but the only worthy opponent current only the Gallente side is Norman and co. in Viriette region.

And pirates…

Aideron is only a shadow, while Joebane uses galmil to get views to its stream (aka profits from you guys). :money_mouth_face:

I’m sure Circle-of-Two, FCON, Spacemonkey’s Alliance, and Requiem Eternal are enjoying business as usual, then.

They have structures? Yes yes yes.

As are CALSF, WANGS, MBLOC, and FEDUP, right?

As an aside, I think one of the most interesting aspects of the “Systems change hands all the time, ergo the conflict is meaningless” narrative, is the typical combat record of pilots who take this stance. The perspective is almost always offered as if its the wizened outlook of a weary and embittered combat veteran. However, you will find almost without exception, that these pilots were never involved in system sieges in FW space whatsoever.

This is of course to say nothing of how peculiar this particular narrative is - that the FW conflict is without permanence and thus without meaning - a narrative spawned from a mind uploaded into countless new bodies evading death from countless ships exploding. Truthfully, if all value is derived from permanent outcomes, then does our immortality not render all conflict between capsuleers in this era of technology as meaningless? Shall we all dock up in jita 4-4 and sing kumbaya together?


Templis CALSF and Pen Is Out, at least, are still going concerns. MBLOC (having WIdotted into CALSF) and FEDUP, though, yeah, I think they fit exactly the profile I’m talking about.

To my mind, the issue isn’t permanence, it’s relevance. For the null blocs, their conflicts are driven by their own purposes, and they either achieve their goals, or fail them. The ‘faction warzones’, though… don’t. For now, at least, no matter how dominant one side is, for no matter how long, there is no victory. The Empire could take the whole warzone, and hold it for a decade, but under the current treaties via CONCORD… the Empire will never assert victory, and will never say ‘so stay out, Republic scum’.

Militia groups might do both—hell, they have done both—but it’s not their call. They aren’t the ones setting the actual ‘victory conditions’ or objectives of the fighting. In fact, victory isn’t an objective of the fighting in the warzones. Rather, the fighting is the objective of the fighting: to keep you and others occupied and invested in being ‘an Amarr loyalist’, in case they need you for a real war.

Right now, while the Floseswin situation caused uproar and anger over the fate of a planetary population… what happens in space? They just don’t really care. Nobody has any intention of declaring victory, or pressing the claims to system control that their capsuleer militias gain them. None of it matters, not because the systems will change hands again, but because the people in charge don’t care, and don’t actually want to win the campaign they have you prosecuting. They just want you to stay in line and do as you’re told.

That’s the goal, that’s their victory condition: securing your obedience. And everything you do along the way, every fight you win, every fight you lose… every system you take or lose… it’s all a win for them, because you’re continuing to invest your sense of identity into being their weapon, their attack dog. The only way they can lose is when militia capsuleers decide that they don’t need to be militia capsuleers, that they can have their own agenda, completely independent of what the empires want.

That is a loss for them, and we know it. We’ve seen it. That’s why Floseswin happened at all. The deal you and U’K (among others) struck to ensure that both sides would leave certain systems in enemy hands, that pissed off Arrach Sarum? Yeah, his ego was bruised… but it also threatened his control. You told him you didn’t need him, or the Empire, you were perfectly capable of conducting your own diplomacy, and setting your own objectives that actively contradicted the ones your masters gave you.

Think about it. When AmarrMil’s been losing, when MinMil’s losing, how often do you hear from the higher-ups? How often do they get angry and send a representative here to express that anger? They don’t. Losing systems, losing objectives, those don’t get a reaction. Hell, losing Floseswin didn’t get one. Losing it more than once, and being responsible for the Republic forcing Sarum’s ground forces into retreat didn’t even get a ‘do better, you slackers!’ from the people actually setting the agenda in the warzones. But showing just a little bit of independence… now that got a reaction, didn’t it? Arrach Sarum sent a representative here to specifically be pissy at all of you.

And that’s why fighting in the warzones is without meaning: the fighting you are doing, the systems you take, the systems you lose, it’s all on behalf of other people. And all of it is unimportant to those people. They only care about keeping you in your kennel for when they might need to really use you.

I’d get into the other thing you raised, but really, people who buy into the ‘immortality’ delusion are already in denial, they don’t want to have to deal with me explaining how meaningless we are (not our conflicts, but us, specifically) all over again.