In a bloody struggle the glorious armies of the Caldari military is fighting to crush one of the last bastions of the Gallente foothold in lowsec in order to finally secure peace and security. This final effort major Caldari corporations have transported 14b worth of equipment, ships and armament to systems surrounding Ostingele in order to prepare for a long and hard fight against Gallente and their affiliates.
The Caldari Military High Command has allocated its senior FC staff and veteran pilots to the Ostingele area to capture, hold and defend key strategic locations within and around Ostingele.
Caldari military veteran and senior commanding officer Solarus has been assigned with the task to rally and lead ongoing assaults on the system, while supporting FCs launch attacks on the surrounding system on Ostingele.
On other front, Fliet has been captured.
For the State! For an united Caldari!
Lambda Thyl
Commander of the Caldari Protectorate of Viriette