Call for Explanation from State Navy Forces

Firstly, yes, the rational thing to do would have been to ignore this nonsense entirely, since it was not a reasonable request. This is firstly because it was a demand rather than a request, secondly because the entity making the demand is not the Federal President or an envoy thereof, thirdly because the entity the demand is addressed to is not the Chairperson of the CEP and fourthly because the demand was made on a Galnet forum frequented mostly by Capsuleers when they get bored. However, dealing with all the misery caused by the Triglavians, EoM, Guristas and FDU has left me just irrational enough to occasionally take bait if it is obnoxious enough. That has nothing to do with my upbringing or my education, and everything to do with constantly having to fend off hostile outsiders or mitigate the damage caused by them, and thus not being receptive to outsiders demanding things from the Navy I served in.

Secondly, someone who deserts their own people when times are bad, and defects to the hostile foreign power chiefly responsible for those hardships, has no right to lecture anyone on their behavior.

Thirdly, after noticing your presence at the Malkalen Disaster Memorial the reticence to interact is mutual.

That is not what history teaches us.

And you’ll forgive the Caldari Navy for doing the same.