Can Ganking be done in lowsec?

I didn’t mean becuase they where russian it’s just something that happened recently, I’ll edit it as it was wrong of me to specify nationality.

Why would it be wrong? We don’t choose where we’re born and we don’t choose where we die.

There is no survival nor is there anything natural in a pixelated world so they gave you bs excuses.
They ganked you because it’s fun.

You are now arguing just for the sake of arguing at least be congruent with your previous comments.

I’m not arguing, I’m having a discussion, which is what this forum was provided for.
If you don’t want to discuss you don’t have to post.

I am glad you found the PLEX!

And yes, it shows that the people who told you that you were most likely wrong and had missed something were indeed correct. It may even turn out that your attitude to easily dismiss them, get into an argument and call them trolls was perhaps misplaced.

If you are driving on a road and everyone else appears to be a wrong-way driver, perhaps you are driving the wrong way.

The real trolls then threw oil on the fire by making you feel like you on a road with only wrong-way drivers were in the right and that all the others were wrong. You were glad to accept that explanation, which led to you calling even me a troll while I was helping you find your PLEX.

I’m glad you got your PLEX back and hope you learned something about trolls!


I don’t think so. I call it as I see it and they were acting like trolls.

Or perhaps they’re all fleeing in the wrong direction.

If you are pointing to Mr.Epeen, he only had one post in that thread and wasn’t acting like a troll.

I was glad that someone didn’t call me a liar.

I was wrong to call you a troll but it was my Sith impulse “if you’re not with me you’re against me” type stuff. I will not apologize for that. I’m only human.

Thank you, so am I !

I did. I am glad that I have the opportunity to learn something everyday!


No-one cares, as you are yet another forum loudmouth for whom there’s zero evidence of ever having undocked.

I believe you already said that - oh what - a million times now?

It needs saying even more. Why would anyone care for the opinion on PvP of some month old noob who has never engaged in any ??

I mean, with my zero experience of skydiving I don’t go on to skydiving forums and lecture people on how to skydive…yet it seems to be a regular occurrence on these forums for players to do such.

You trolls try too hard. You’re already hilarious without all those words.

Yes it did, you and Mr Epeen

You were told where it would be but too busy having a tantrum to listen.


Still blaming CCP?


[ nahr-suh-sist ]

Phonetic (Standard)IPA


  1. a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

  2. Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment

    • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  3. Be envious of others and believe others envy them.

  4. Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.

  5. Have trouble handling anything they view as criticism

  6. Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special recognition or treatment

  7. Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.

  8. React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.

Sound familiar?

Selectively makes up the rules, ignoring packs of wolves, wilddogs, prides of lions etc that don’t fit his narrative.

But you are. Your accusations were false. And in typical narcissitic fashion, you have hijacked this thread and made it all about you.

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A polar bear is not going to worry about a pack of wolves that can’t swim, he is king.

Yes. Because ganking is part of PvP and PvP happens everywhere in New Eden.

I eat green berets for breakfast.

So did the alien in The Predator

We weren’t green berets but a rescue team made up of elite soldiers from SEALs to Marines.

Instead of complaining, maybe you should help. Aaargh!!

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Your were one of the elite soldiers that got eaten?


Calm down ganker.


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ahahahahaha epic tears from the VETERAN hahahahahahah LOOOL