Can Ganking be done in lowsec?

Why not? CCP and the gaming industry don’t have the monopoly on any language.
If someone says they got ganked in Nullsec then that’s what happened.

If I want to use ‘gank’ or ‘PvP’ interchangeably no one can fine me or arrest me or torture me or throw me in front of a judge or anything so that means I can use both words whenever I wish for whatever happens in whatever security space.

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Ah yes, the Humpty-Dumpty defense of „words mean whatever I think.“ Truly an enlightening position to hold and popularized by those that routinely fail to communicate an idea from their head clearly and have to rely on other people’s ability to read minds. :roll_eyes:


:blush:<<< Good morning, troll.

Inb4 she blocks you for disagreeing with her. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Aw she was too fast. Anyway, told ya’. :smirk:

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

I don’t block trolls, troll.
I like you trolls wasting your time posting stuff I never read :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Cry more, troll.

:blush: :innocent: :dealwithitparrot:

Yes, I was disappointed that the thread was closed before screenshots could be shared and further help could be dispatched. Cause if CCP Games is actually buggy and stealing PLEX from people it’s definitely worth having concrete evidence of it.

We never got it though. I could imagine a situation where the PLEX was actually there sitting in the item hangar, but rather than admit „oops, it was there the whole time“ it was easier to save face and continue to refuse help. That is not constructive behavior.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time on these forums we’ve had a very upset and demanding customer post a rage thread, be provided helpful and constructive feedback, and then as a reaction to „not being correct“ (who cares?) they go into ego-protection damage control mode and just talk about „all the trolls“ and generally :poop: on the community.

I still really don’t understand why people conduct themselves in this way.




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I found my PLEX as per @Gerard_Amatin advice to look into my Assets Window right after the thread was closed when I got home and logged in. :smiling_face:
It was in another station in the same system.
Kind of screwy but oh well…

At least the thread wasn’t a total loss. It dug up who the trolls are on this forum :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised.


A “Veteran” troll. Kind of a new one for forums. I have to say I am surprised but I have a feeling that I am not done being surprised by this forum.

Hilarious how you keep being triggered by and jealous of my Veteran status.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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I agree. At least not all is lost, as trolls go, you’re funny.

I am glad you found it, and that CCP Games was not stealing.


Rather than keeping a cool head, you definitely opened yourself to criticism by posting about „CCP Games stealing“, and then didn’t really do the community any good with the follow ups in that thread. It could have at least benefited from the conclusion you shared here, but it would have been even more constructive if it had taken a tone of „help, something went wrong“ — which a lot of rookies here do ask and in the New Citizen Q & A section — instead of acting as a cathartic vent full of anger and emotion.

All of which is to say, you kind of opened up yourself to this and since it is a self inflicted problem you really do not have the standing to complain further about „trolls“.


I didn’t see it as a problem.
I saw it as a CCP problem because their game caused my thread to be open.
Had they coded their spaghetti code better I would have found my PLEX right where it was to begin with and not in some other random station.
But of course you are used to screwy and buggy games. I’m not.

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“Ganking is usually done by inferior pilots in greater number to compensate for their lack of skill in low.” would have been more accurate wording.

In the wild the strongest don’t need anyone else because they get enough nutrition by themselves, the weak struggle and find it almost possible to survive alone so they naturally look for help.

I once asked a bunch of gankers in low that where busy ganking me at the time why they ganked and if they actually found it fun, and their words where because its how they survive and just seemed natural to them.

P.S. The below response is referencing Drixie when they refer to the above response… ^ _ ^.

Never had. She was wrong all along, just as everyone expected, it was quite obvious all along.

Him calling everyone a “troll” for simply pointing out, and actually also trying to help, instead of his expectation of agreeing with him unquestioningly just shows his character.

And the above response shows instead of “manning” up and admitting this, instead just doubles down. Even now claims (falsely) that it is a “bug”, even though he bought an item from a specific location and lo and behold it is right where it should be after the purchase, the place where it was purchased from, not where he was when bought the item.

Not a difficult concept to grasp either.

@Zaera_Keena 's assesment is perfect. I would add to that that he’s not just a narcissist but a karen as well, though maybe the two are usually one and the same, sourced from the same origin, a gigantic overinflated fragile ego.


Not that this was not obvious all along so no real surprise here.


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I respect your choice of words. If you want to call gankers “inferior pilots” it’s your free-speech right.
I call it PvP or Ganking, same difference.

It isn’t only about survival. It is also about socializing.
This crocodile is happy to let the bird act as a toothpick. Having clean teeth is important.

The weak survive by numbers…

…and speed.

I once had a good friend who was Russian. One of the few most considerate guys I ever met on 4 different continents.