Can Ganking be done in lowsec?

Would it be fair to be a ganker and a miner at the same time?

@Felix_Frostpacker , you have been a bad boy.

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Pls stop linking old zmailes

Ganking can happen anywhere. Most widespread variations in lowsec are smartbomb camps, smartbomb pod hunting and a fleet of 14 curses inside a medium advanced plex. The nullsec variant would be RnK’s pipebombs of old.

Note that trying to fight someone and getting kited to death, or being unable to break logi reps does not consitute you being ganked.


that’s literally the definition of the slang term. eve players seriously think they invented the word /eyeroll

No Aiko did.


Ganking is when aggressor who is very strong defeats someone who is very weak. Ergo, hunting unescorted haulers/miners/newbs in any sec is ganking, in RPGs high level characters pwning newbs would also be considered ganking. PVP with similarly matched sides would not be ganking.

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In other words a certain super power with cowboys is a ganker ?

In reality, people have only recently started dying in EVE Online due to ganking.

I believe the true reason for this is to cover up losses resulting from poor decision-making. In EVE, the term “gank” typically refers to suicide ganking, where known groups engage in this activity. This is why we have the term “ganker.”

All other PvP involves combat actions against an enemy, regardless of whether you were outmaneuvered or outscouted and lost. Ganking, however, serves as a convenient excuse: “Oh, my mining fleet got ganked,” leading to sympathetic responses like, “Oh dear, poor you, those mean gankers.” In reality, you might have been AFK, failed to scout properly, or made other mistakes, allowing the enemy to gain the upper hand.

Interestingly, if you hunt in low or null sec and kill a group that just destroyed a mining fleet or hauler, you don’t become an anti-ganker.

Note that gankers rarely post or protest on threads discussing what is ganking. This silence helps them downplay the criminal nature of their actions and justifies their behavior, discrediting discussions about whether ganking is harming the game.

While we can use various words and meanings nowadays, we still need words to have continuity and clarity to identify actions. Ganking is a criminal act, whereas killing a miner in low sec because they were in someone else’s territory is considered legal. With just a few words, we can understand what happened.

So, when you die in low sec, you were beaten by a better-prepared group in a PvP battle. If your hauler gets killed in Uedama by gankers, that is a gank in EVE.

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Entering the lion’s den, what a surprise.


No, that spreads the myth that ganking is simply all about DPS…and the equal myth of the ‘defenceless’ ship.

The defence against ganking is to maximise your tank and to minimise your align time. A sensible person carries, on board their potentially gankable ship, a change of fitting that achieves that. That is their defence…along with scouting.

Some people have this bizarre idea that PvP is purely DPS vs DPS. It isn’t, and never has been. Tank, align time, cloaking, scouting, etc introduce precisely the asymmetry that allows for a balance against superior DPS.

One side is not always stronger than the other. Simply that when both sides are roughly equal, combat rarely occurs.

If you ever find yourself in a fair fight in EvE, everyone on both sides made every mistake they could possibly make. A gank is when one side doesn’t make any mistakes and the other side still makes all of them.

But, but…it is so unfair

then don’t make mistakes so you’re on the side with the advantage. :innocent:

No, seriously, it’s how I avoid being ganked in highsec. CCP has the deck stacked against highsec gankers, so it’s really easy to get the advantage there. Lowsec it takes some skill in addition to the right fit. :grin:

This is so true, when we have had truly heroic victorious we have all ways appeared week when in fact we are strong.

As Sun Tzu once said

You have a good imagination.

If you were strong you wouldn’t feel the need to tell us, would you?

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Just pointing out to the guy I was answering that this concept works .

You know it’s true stop being like Aiko and contradicting or be littleing our gallant efforts. It shows your true thoughts :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

you lose security status when killing a miner in lowsec. sentry guns engage you when done at station or gate. Lowsec is also unclaimable. Then attacking a miner in lowsec is also a criminal act according to your logic.

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