Can Ganking be done in lowsec?

I see that @Uriel_the_Flame has a thing for strong women

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Well not a difficult choice IMO, what would you prefer a strong friend, partner, colleague, team mate, whatever or a weak one? :thinking:

(And of course referring to personal choice and willpower and not something beyond their control.)

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A weak one.

Logical from your perspective as you prefer easy to control underlings. :upside_down_face:


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She’s the boss

None of the above would prefer one that thinks differently.

Well that was a strange read , I’ve come to the conclusion you’re all deranged, I’m off to count the bodies in my hangar

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Counting is one thing ,if you tell us you dressed them all up as clowns we might be worried.


Lowsec is just for gankers who want to repair their security status.

Nothing else matters in lowsec other than farming for soldier tags.

Am I right? :wink:

Perma-camping and ninja-looting COSMOS sites is prettty important for the health of the game.

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Only if your objective is be a lonely lowsec ganker.

Much more active in highsec for that, al least that must be why most gankers stay in highsec.


OP has never encountered a gate camp…

The fact that someone has never done or experienced something seems to be the main qualification for commenting on it here :slight_smile:

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the internet. :wink:

A specific term exists for them for a reason:


Don’t you wish there was a button you could press that would make their armchair explode? Also , anyone that flags one of my posts, self detonates.

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A reusable version seems more productive than blowing the chair up.



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I see CCP are on it .

I did, but I was never ganked in lowsec :face_holding_back_tears:
Once I was dropped on by a blue arazu but that’s about it :face_holding_back_tears:
And I got blobbed, but never got ganked in lowsec :face_holding_back_tears:

I tried ganking in low, it’s not possible.