Standup Capital Shipyard I is fitted to the Azbel for capital construction …Do I still need the Standup Manufacturing Plant I fitted or does the Shipyard allow us to do what the manufacturing plant did also?
The Standup Capital Shipyard I is a service module that allows the manufacturing of Capital Ships when installed into an Upwell technology structure.
The Standup Manufacturing Plant I is a service module that allows manufacturing of any product (except Capital and Super Capital ships) when installed into an Upwell technology structure.
From the item descriptions of both. Unless CCP is ambiguous, you cannot produce other things than capitals (no sub-caps and no super caps/titans) with the capital shipyard.
I think @Dyver_Phycad got it.
The Capital Shipyard is for making Capital Ships… and that’s it.
The Manufacturing Plant is for, well… Manufacturing. It’s for making everything else.
You will need the Manufacturing Plant if you intend to build anything other than Capital Ship hulls. That means if you want to build the Capital Ship components in that structure, (Drone Bay, Turret Hardpoint, etc.) you will need a Manufacturing Plant.
If you want to build anything else, like subcapitals, fighters, ammo, whatever, you will need the Manufacturing Plant.
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