You could also throw a bunch of kikomoras or damviks or T1 ships at the drifter and kill it but how many players does that require this is 7,5,3, or 1 pilot. I like this way better to solo it if you do “Ultra Hard Mode”.
In that case, the time for forum warrioring is over and it’s time for you to go and do it.
Please post a followup,
Well, Unfortunately I am isk poor at the moment or I may try to Solo a drifter with a Paladin, but speaking of soloing a drifter you could go to low sec and attack the autothysian lancers getting a drifter spawn and get in a zirnitra and easily kill the low sec Drifter which would probably be cheaper and easier.
And alot more efficient than a 100% tank pally.
You can use 1 Absolution + 4x NavyGeddon. All BrickTanked to more than 700k eHP on Armor. Pilots need an Amulet Set.
The Abso brings ~500dps + command boosts.
The NavyGeddons bring ~900dps + 12 Large Remote Reps.
- warp in
- kill everything until the drifter appears
- keep all ships up with RR at maximum armor
- kill the blue overshield
- overheat hardeners once he charges the DD
- eat the DD
- stop overheating hardeners
- kill the drifter
Benefit: You are much more mobile with this fleet than with a Dread and can even roam systems for Lancers, no matter if LS, HS, 0.0 or whatever. So you can make this a continouus activity. You can also repel a lot of PvP ambushes as long as you have CapBoosters (well, you’ll die if you get blobbed out completely, but a small gang probably can’t break your tank for a long time).
Drawback: It’s a pretty expensive endeavour, the fleet does cost around 8B and five Amulet Clones aren’t cheap as well.
Given the DD is subject to tracking and signature mechanics, I wonder if fast, low-sig Assault Frigates might work?
Pop the Assault Damage Control as the DD fires off (not sure if there’s a spool-up animation) and hope for the best?
A handful of capless Rocket Hawks or Jaguars come to mind. Mid-Grade Halos and X-Instinct? Maybe some backpack Shield/Skirm links?
you’ll want to be in a very out of the way part of lowsec to try this. you’d get blobbed in most lowsec regions the instant someone notices you sieged up.
and i’m still unsure of how much loot these things drop. i’m reasonably certain it isn’t the 300m blueloot of a C5/6 Drifter Response Battleship.
Well, one could even try a Triple-TD Sentinel. I can’t find any EWAR-resistances in the Drifter’s stats.
The Superweapon has 250km Optimal + 250km Falloff. 3 Overheated and Range-Scripted TDs would reduce this to 9.68km Optimal + 9.68km Falloff. Which means:
640k damage up to 9.68km
320k damage at 19.36km
close to 0 damage at 29.04km
Kiting Arty-Lokis could pin him down to literally zero movement at more than 30km, the Sentinel can also TD from more than 30km. He should not be able to hit anyone, neither with the DD nor with his regular weapons.
In Theory
around now is probably a good time to point out that the stats available online (chrukker etc) may or may not be reliable…
Well, a cheap try would be:
2x Hyena (each dualweb)
→ 4x web to pin the drifter down and be able to keep range (FedNavyWebs if the Magus Pilot has no SkirmishMindlink / not MaxCommandSkills, otherwise T2 is sufficient)
2x Sentinel (each dual-TD)
→ 4x TD to bring down his gun range (quick relock needed once the Superweapon is charged!)
1x Magus
→ Skirmish Command boosts to give the Hyenas more than 30km webrange.
→ Information Command boost to give the Sentinel even more TD strength.
→ Skirmish Mindlink needed or the Hyenas need FedNavyWebs
If that works, the final setup could be 1x EoS, 1x Curse, 3x Bhaalgorn. Reliable, affordable and good DPS to bring down the Lancers and Drifters.
But I also doubt that there is much to loot, this isn’t the WH Drifter Response Battleship.
AB confessors with tracking disrupts in the mids work, with deacon logi. just orbit at 500 and it’ll miss the dd
thanks for this info!
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