Can we get SP reassignment surgery please?

Only the trolls talk about ships, the removed thing is a type of mining, specifically Sov Upgrade Anoms with LARGE rocks. The new type has tiny rocks hardly worth mining with boosts due to overhead time. And nearly no systems can spawn them at all, where we before had 4 primarily used systems actively mined, with the connected systems a total of 7, of which 0 can spawn the new type.

And to the unvoidable Troll answer “just go somewhere else”, somewhere else already has other people, we will be invading “their” space and competing with them for small scraps in 2-3 systems out of the 20-30 there used to be if we start look at that size area.

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Consequences for MY ACTIONS, would be a highly effective character. CCP is changing the fundamentals of the universe to reverse MY ACTIONS. Eve was great when MY ACTIONS mattered yes.

Consequences of CCPs ACTIONS, character with useless skills.

This whole thing is about CCP punishing people doing smart actions.

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…and if you’re a long time player it’s not as if you give up the benefits you reaped while those skills were useful to you. I think, too, that more people need to consider when planning ahead that whatever is most efficient is at the top of the list to be put on the chopping block for a nerf and that training the most broken META today is at the highest risk of being disappointed tomorrow.

I just kept all my skills, whether I used them or not. If there were new skills I wanted I trained them the old fashioned way and it gave me something to look forward to. It’s like Christmas. There’s some joy in the anticipation of a good thing yet to be received, and sometimes old skills would come in handy later. Unused or unappreciated skills are first in line for a buff, after all.


I don’t like a Christmas with empty packets under the tree. I find it disappointing.

And as Mike said above, Eve was supposed to be about living with the consequences of your actions, not to live with whatever some dev decides is “broken meta”. The only reason something is “broken meta” is if CCP made an error in changes they shouldn’t have made in the first place.

Holy sh!t, you people are f*cking entitled.

You all made decisions that turned out to be to be bad in the long run, so you want Mommy CCP to kiss your booboos and make them go away. F*cking grow up already.

Now you know how every electronics repair tech on Earth feels in this culture of disposable tech. They’ve got all the skills to repair your TV, but you just go buy a new one when your old one breaks.

Cheaper to buy a brand new one.

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Kinda why I chose that analogy. Not the repairman’s fault manufacturers changed his Meta so that he gets less business, but that’s exactly what all the criers here are bleating about.

If you want an EvE related example, how about all the people who lost their ability to sell bookmark packs after CCP introduced Warp to 0km? We all learned a real skill to make those bookmarks, and CCP made that skill mostly irrelevant with the change. How do I get a refund of that skill? :thinking:

You entitled sh!ts get to reassign your SP when I get to refund the real life skills I had to learn to make those bookmarks. Sound fair?

The SP in refining were reimbursed, because the skills were removed from the game.
If CCP were to remove say marauder skill, or shittalking, then yes a lot of people would have their SP reimbursed, as those two seem heavily invested into in the game and in the forum.

But not because of OUR ACTIONS, the reason they turned out to be bad is CCP betrayed us, and took away the consequences they had promised us we would have to live with.

And ccp stated above that they make changes that will screw you up. Get over it

CCP ganked them miners harder than code and safety combined ever could. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :psyccp:

Sorry to interject but if I’m following this right, there may be some old skills I trained years ago that I can now no longer use, and therefore extract and reallocate?

If this is the case, can I find some sort of list of these skills?

It would be like finding money in an old jacket pocket. Big it true :stuck_out_tongue:

No, CCP removes such skills and reimburse the SP !

Aww never mind then. Worth a try :stuck_out_tongue:

There should be unallocated SP on your character sheet if a skill you had trained was removed from the game.


Show me where CCP promised you anything like what you’re claiming. Show me where they promised you nothing would change.


Straigth from the CSM earlier in this thread fx.

So there’s nothing else in the entire game that uses the skills? Nothing at all?

You keep saying your SP is now worthless, I’m glad I mist the spittle from your rage posts by the way, but that’s only in your own head. What happened is your chosen isk printer got nerfed. It happens to all of us. You either adapt, or you quit. The change was made for the whole of the game, not just you.

And you completely misread Mike’s comment if you think he supported you. If you remove the horrendous double negatives, he’s saying skill extractors are exactly your solution. YOU are choosing to not adapt to a change in game play, so it is YOUR CHOICE to extract the perfectly valid SP to use elsewhere. Therefore the penalty for doing so falls upon you.

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Yes, it is my choice to not give CCP dollars because of the game nerfs they apply to try force us to give them dollars.

But that is RL stuff, not Eve Online stuff.

Inside Eve Online the changes should never happen, its like if gravity was suddenly reduced gravity on Earth just so someone could make more dollars on selling lead shoes. It is an impossible change to the fundamentels of the universe. And therefore disabling players ability to make a choice.

And yes, I am sure Mike did not mean to back me up, but what he says is just as much a lie either way.

Eve Online is NOT about living with the consequences of MY CHOICES, but about dealing with CCPs ways to force us to give them more dollars.

So your point for being here is what? You clearly understand your options.

You’ve said the same thing repeatedly, and listened to no one. They’re not going to change it back, you realize that, right?