Can we have ammo bay in ship?

well, they won’t let u in on abbys without filament but without drone and ammo absolutely…besides it’s a suggestion, not a straight cut implementation…maybe ccp will have a heart n will let the cargo hold space untouched while giving u extra space for ammo…I am hopelessly optimistic

Lots people people, over the years, bring up lots of ideas and mostly the same ones. Most of those are just bad, unbalanced or massively self serving.

It would require a very big rethink on every ship’s cargo size which would also mean many ships would become less versatile in a “hauling” role. On top of that it doesn’t solve anything other than “If I move everything I forget my ammo”. So what, then don’t move everything. What’s next? “If I didn’t fit any weapons I can’t fire so please add base weaponry to ships”?

It’s a not well though out solution to a problem that almost no one has, really doesn’t solve anything and forces a complete rebalance of ALL ships.

And there is the uninformed, lacking in logic, self serving part.

Here’s a better place for you to post:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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I did say I am hopelessly optimistic.

For someone who stated to not to reply to me you sure are trying hard, and it’s all gibberish.

And make everyone’s cargo bay smaller to make space for the ammo bay? How much smaller? What about ships that don’t (but can) use guns, like salvage catalyst? Straight nerf for those guys?

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you know like actual QOL update

I have yet to see any conversation from CCP themselves about it, but it seems like its really a lost point to add a ammo bay… and i completely understand the balancing act for why it was never implemented even though it seems like at least once or twice a year someone mentions it.

quoting @ShahFluffers here
" based on what the DEVs have done in the past, you don’t want them to make a separate hold just for ammo. Because they will most likely nerf the general cargohold (which will limit your loot holding abilities).
No, you can’t have your cake and eat it too!"


It could be an automatic cargo separator which would make ammo for your currently fit modules to appear separated in an ammo bay.

Fit a launcher and corresponding sized missiles in your cargo move to ammo. Unfit your tracking computer and all scripts move back to cargo.

No cargo expansion. No new bay per se. No cargo rebalancing necessary.

As a laserboat pilot I absolutely hate the mess with dozens of unstackable used crystals mixed with probes and loot and everything else.

I put modules I carry along to refit in a can not to mix them with loot. I also want my ammo separated.


Adding a filter would be an option but I highly doubt it would solve OP’s problem as it’s born out of a lack of effort, so he’d forget to use the filter.


Remember this will also be a new bay for red dot’s to spawn from.


OP here’s the solution for your problem:

You’re welcome!


Yes I will be hurt if there is an ammo bay. I do not like the idea of an ammo bay, it will just make things more complicated if there is an ammo bay as I will need to have my ammo bay open as well as my cargo bay for boosters.

Depending on the size of cargo bay of the ship you are using you can use small cargo containers to separate your various items.

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And he was right when he said it.

OP hasn’t considered how cap boosters are ‘ammo’. So you now have split bays for these bulky items which will undoubtedly mean unused space in both bays.


I don’t often make predictions… but when I do, I prefer rooting them in historical facts.


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How about a sticky note on your monitor - “don’t forget ammo/drones!”
Problems solved. Otherwise your laziness or weak memory won’t work if you have bays for every desired stuff you have to take with you prior to undock.

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dude i will need 15 min to prepare every time i went out in eve

well i have memory of a goldfish send me bil isk to find out