Just FYI and surprise, there is an entire business based around that activity. One of the prominent service providers of such in Jita is the guy whose killboard I link below, but there are plenty others at Jita and other trade hubs and probably elsewhere too.
On my Jita thief alt I see him most of the time sitting outside the docking ring far away enough to be a tempting target. It is obvious what he is doing. I was involved in killing his stuff several times on my thief alt when someone was activating his killright when I was present at the moment so I just looked up my thief alt’s killboard and linked the guy’s killboard.
Just to make sure the kid here doesn’t think he had a genuine idea. I made 9bil to setup my first big ganking operation by tricking some idiot miner into repeatatly buying a self setup kill right on my alt. This whole business is older than kid’s toon here.
And if you really have to ask how this stuff works and can’t figure it out on your own you will probably never make any ISK with it.