Can't log into sisi even i created eve user name

hello. i can’t log into sisi with my steam account so i created account name for Accounts created through STEAM. Setting an account name for Accounts created through STEAM – EVE Online

if i tried to log into sisi w/new account name, it said Invalid username / password. but i can log into tq w/new account name.

What the hell is this problem? and WHY CCP IGNORES SISI LOGIN PROBLEM??

Did you even try to read any other threads regarding this?

ITS BUGGED. There is an issue where steam users cannot log into the test server. the link above will only allow you to log in to the test server, under the condition that you create the eve online account, BEFORE a mirror, and it will work AFTER the mirror. CCP cannot just add your account name to SiSi either. You will have to wait until the mirror, which will likely be in October. So your account name on eve online, should work then. Mirrors are done every 3-4 months or unless CCP needs to update like with the Native Mac Client testing…

SiSi is not updated or monitored by CCP or GM’s… They have no inclination to update it regularly or monitor it. They can take it offline if they wanted to until they need something tested.

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They aren’t ignoring it: they thought they had a fix, it didn’t work, so they have to research the issue more - but TQ is still more important than Sisi so the research can only be done when it isn’t negatively impacting TQ deliverables.


i read so many threads about login issue about sisi and steam. and some ppl said setting account name for accounts created throgh Steam can fix this problem but it doesn’t work for me. thanks for reply.

thanks for reply. i’m really sorry to hear that their solution doesn’t work. and really sad that my steam account can’t join sisi.

It does get past the problem - when the next mirror is done. The data has to be copied over to Sisi before it can be used, but once copied it will let you login when EVE and Steam aren’t talking - and it works on both Sisi and TQ. It also makes all EVE sales available to you that aren’t copied to the Steam storefront, so that’s worth doing for TQ purposes anyway.

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