Can't open the launcher

I open the launcher, I get the CCP icon in the background, it goes away, and according to task manager the game closes.

According to the EVE LogLite, the last entry is: Successfully downloaded QUrl(“”)

I don’t know where to go from here, I’m running Windows 7 x64 (outdated, I know), but the game hasn’t had an issue like this until recently. I’m on my third clean install, and I’d rather not try for a fourth.

try playing from the browser, and see if it allows you to. If you are Omega that is.

It says my connection of 39 Mbs is too slow, and that I need at least 25 Mbs.

upgrade to windows 10, this will fix the problem, And do it quickly, windows 11 is coming soon…

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Upgraded to windows 10, did a clean install, and still having issues. I suppose it’s time for a ticket. Or I learn to play via trackpad because somehow my laptop (started as Windows 10) can run it, but the desktop (upgraded to Windows 10) still can’t.

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