Capital ships is a joke

You forgot to remind that T3 larger than any real ship ever made. (Jakdaw for example have 503m lenght)

BS with 10k EHP. What you expect? (and i repeat that 90% of it’s price is BPC and its just a nice looking usual blackops)
BTW with my suggestion it become a bit thicker to frig size. And it’s ok.

I don’t know how you’re fitting a Marshal, but mine has more than 10k EHP. My point wasn’t that the Marshal needs a buff. My point was the cost and training time of something is not necessarily indicative of it’s ability. If CCP changed the game so you needed Caps to kill other Caps, a lot of small groups would die. Why? Because having a larger Cap force than your opponents would guarantee victory.

I mean dry EHP ofc. Anyway not a much.

The problem is that player numbers always ■■■■■■■ win in EvE online. It’s one of the reasons I don’t really play, because I am more of a solo player.

If I go hunting in a ship that costs $3b, and my character has been skilling up for 12 years straight, and I’m not a complete idiot when it comes to pvp, then yes, I should be able to take on 5 people in $10m isk ships with 6 months of training, 90% of the time.

But nope, doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter how long you train, how much you spend, how many skillpoints you have, how good you are, numbers ALWAYS trumps everything. It’s really annoying. Sometimes I just want to get on and hunt, and not have to deal with coordinating with 5 or 10 or 20 other humans in order to just do some pvp.

But nope, EvE doesn’t care how strong or good you are, if you’re outnumbered, you lose. It’s really crappy and dumb.

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the problem with all that is that zkill shows you only killed 2 ships in your life


That’s incorrect. Numbers are certainly a big advantage. But at the end of the day, player skill is still the single biggest factor in determing fight outcomes. Indeed, many a youtuber and streamer have whooped up on fleets much bigger than their own (sometimes even while flying solo). So, you either didn’t play long enough to get a grasp on how Eve works, or you’re trying to come up with excuses for why you suck.

I used to link videos from Chessur and Sutonia to demonstrate how skilled players can punch upwards, but they haven’t made YT videos in a while, and some might argue that things have changed since then. So check this guy out. I just started watching him, but I really like him so far.


We punched up for 4 yrs till CCP took that away. Things have changed…

The problem with those videos is that they’re cherry picked. Yes, if you want to spend 10+ hours looking for the right fight, and then in 25% of those fights, you win when you’re outnumbered, then sure. That can happen. It happened to me once or twice. But it takes an absurd amount of time and luck to win a battle 1v2 or 1v3+.

Maybe in times past, when server population was much higher, you could solo camp somewhere in something cloaky and ambush groups of 2 or 3 newbs and have it be a successful encounter. But if you take out an expensive solo pvp ship (1-3b+), then you either have to hunt/wait 15+ hours of gameplay to find a fight you can win, or you’ll just get blobbed 3v1, 5v1, 10v1, whatever, and die.

Now, those people who took dreads into lowsec and were able to kill tons of people before dying, now that is something I have to look into, because that sounds like the type of gameplay I’ve always desired.

Amelia Duskspace has been putting out small gang content recently. They’re super successful and have killed a couple Supers recently.

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Until you faced 10 hecates… Or 20…

Look at the japanese battle ships Yamato and Mushasi, bot got sunk by small airplaines


After hours of assault by hundreds of planes and many of them was shoted down.
And it was destroyed only after hit right in ammo storage.

Nothing compared with our case.

And ok, if you wanna compare to IRL…
I know only 2 cases where battleships was destroyed almost instantly
HMS Hood - which was hitted by Bismark main gun right in ammo storage. EVE ships dont have ammo storages.
And USS Indianapolis - which was sinked by submarine. EVE not have a ship which represent a sub.

What about sb’s?

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Kind of… but… no IMHO. Even bomb damage to low to compare to IRL subs

OP it is simple and well explained in EVE lore why this situation exists in EVE Online: Capital ships and above were designed by Galen Erso and subcaps are piloted by AI versions of Luke Skywalker. :wink:



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There is a reason every aircraft carrier has a support fleet.


And you can’t compare anything on eve to rl. Rub 3 rocks together and get a warp drive. :roll_eyes:

I would pick him apart on his knowledge of US fleet deployments and carrier point defense sys’s, but then as well I can fly carriers, I freely admit I have no practical knowledge of them so were somewhat even.

It seems the problem is the fighters, the fleet ring around a carrier is there to stop what gets through. The 1st line of defense of a carrier in rl is it’s fighter/support squadrons.

If I understand this correctly, it’s not that a carrier can be taken out by 10 destroyers but more how did the destroyers get past the fighters?

“If” you want to compare it to rl.

No, it’s like you take 10 destroyers and a lone carrier…

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Carrier support fleets are there for more than just anti-fighter support. Destroyers and cruisers are still vulnerable to aircraft attacks; just not as vulnerable as the thin skinned aircraft carrier.

They also provide anti-submarine support and even anti-ship support. While they’ve been mostly phased out, a battleship can take a pretty good beating from aircraft before sinking. And if those gun get range on an aircraft carrier, it’s going to get sunk fast.

The United States Navy probably would have kept the Iowa class battleships after they were pulled out of mothballs in the late 80s except for one serious issue. They were diesel powered and thus harder to keep supplied. And it would have required cutting through a lot of structure to replace the diesel engines with nuclear power… which would have left the ship compromised in battle.

So, they put them back into mothballs and basically use a variety of ships to fill their role.

And no, I’m not suggesting battleships in Eve be so powerful to take down a carrier… but carriers should have weaknesses and I’m okay with it being wolf-packing subcaps.