Capital ships

I very much doubt this will ever change (denying capitals in high-sec). This isn’t the first time this idea has been raised…


your are trying to say i´m wrong xD but you only bring up your alternate facts !

yes and the pact broke because they know that the keepstar in HS cant get defendet and so the imperium come by itself and attacked it ! still the main reason way the patch … otherwise it would still generate a ton of isk for all of the party´s they got isk from it !

yeah sure … bring 5b ships to gank in hs xD

lets calculate it how much catalyst or talos you would need to gank a full tank carrier in 20 sec !

Catalyst - T2 max dps with heat 749 dps - invest per ship about 15m
Talos - T2 max dps with heat 1853 dps - invest per ship about 130m
Chimera - 3.06 MILLION EHP ! cheap fit, no implants no links ! - invest round about 4b

you need about 200+ catalyst - invest 3b
you need 80+ talos - invest - 10,4b

as you see … its ungankable ! you can see the fit below ! and with this fit you can haul all your stuff you want no matter how expensive your ■■■■ is ! you never can get ganked ! you are 100% safe !


[Chimera, Chimera fit]

Damage Control II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Capital Shield Extender II
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Capital Shield Extender II
Capital Shield Extender II
Capital Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
Capital EM Shield Reinforcer I
Capital Core Defense Field Extender I

only moving to HS is no reason xD it does not improve the game ! it only improves lazy ppl like you ! and kills the economy

yes HS is safer then the other spaces ! but thats no reason to bring ungankable ships into HS wich allows the player to destroy the economy !

unkillable = 100% safe = extremly bad for the whole economy !

yes your right … nobody said you need to take the highest risk you can get ! but risk vs reward is then obsolet … you dont have any risk if you can have your caps in HS ! NO RISK !
its not balanced anymore since marauder have 2,5k+ dps for HS missions and you can generate as much isk as in other spaces xD and no, you dont have that high risk to get ganked…
flying a cap in HS i exactly 0 risk ! and 0 risk means you should have 0 reward ! and CCP goes that way xD 0 reward means caps are banned in HS !

then go to sisi and test the mechanic oO or test it in a very safe place of your home ! its not impossible to test out stuff in low, null or wh space with extremly low risk !
and no this is still no improvement …

yes they will hurt the economy xD a lot ! everyone switches from their gankable ships to the ungankable ships and move their stuff around ! nobody will get hurt = less construction = no market = economy is hurt !

wardecs ARE effectet ! they actual bring a bunch of leshak + paladin + nestor which is extremly stong but fightable and killable and if they decide to bring instead the same ammount of caps then they are unkillable … HS carebears are dont fight about their stations and they need a lot of ships and manpower to fight the their heavy armor gang ! and now they bring caps ! the gang that could fight them in their heavy armor gang is now not able anymore to fight them !

but they are gankable and if you want to move stuff with high value around then the best way is to bring a very well tanked cap !
and dont forget about all the bowheads … they were completly obsolet because a cap can move them around aswell with exactly 0 risk !

in general → if you cant defend your station then youre not deserve it !
but with this change you want you make it completly impossible to defend it !

and btw … its way cheaper to replace the structure then replace a whole fleet youre losing against the heavy armor gang !

i know but its important that ppl will understand why caps in HS are a bad idea if they dont have a big malus

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^ He’s not wrong about the “ungankable” aspect…

and this is only the cheap version … i could show you a version of a chimera with more then 5m EHP ! and maybe even more as this !

and if you think about titans ( they are also capitals ) then they have way more EHP then a chimera !

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Without Keepstars also being allowed into high-sec, the only way to have Titans would be to log them off. I don’t think Titans, Supercarriers or Keepstars should be allowed in high-sec).

just for fun …

you can tripple your invest for the chimera and have 6 times the EHP !


[Chimera, Chimera fit]

Sentient Damage Control
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System

Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener

Shield Command Burst II, Shield Harmonizing Charge
Shield Command Burst II, Shield Extension Charge
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Capital Core Defense Field Extender II
Capital EM Shield Reinforcer II
Capital Core Defense Field Extender II

High-grade Nirvana Alpha
High-grade Nirvana Beta
High-grade Nirvana Gamma
High-grade Nirvana Delta
High-grade Nirvana Epsilon
High-grade Nirvana Omega
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Management SM-706
Shield Command Mindlink


You’d probably have to empty Jita out to take down that puppy, lol.

and this is shield … i dont want to do the same with an achon … maybe you got more EHP out of it if you want

Lol ungankable. You just calculated how to gank a very tanked chimera. :rofl::rofl:

Just because youre unwilling to bring enough dps to gabk it doesnt mean its ungankable. Bring dreadnoughts.

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no xD its not a “very tanked” one … its a fit you would use to fly around through HS ! maybe you take a “real PvP fit” then you have still 2m+ EHP and you can calculate by yourself if its gankable or not !

and you think dreads are a way to gank ? maybe you need at first to lern why someone ganks … not because he want to destroy many dreads because 1 carrier … xD

it IS ungankable because it would cost you to much manpower !

No one’s going to bring together 1200+ catalysts to gank that Chimera fit… And unless they’re at war with that corporation/alliance, they’re certainly not going to bring dreadnoughts (even cheap-ish ones) to help.

The damage cap has been removed a year and a half ago. I solo flip an astra in less then 5 minutes with my alts these days, and among the nullers that still do caps, there are competitions to solo medium citadels wihtin a single siege of their dreads.

The cap operators these days are mostly nullers, and nullers don’t know about eve’s pvp mechanics. Just undock a corvette with an out-of-wardec alt and concord will remove half of the null capital fleet for you. It also doesn’t matter how ofter their FCs tell them to check their safeties and not to shoot at neutrals in high, nullers have their long trained reflexes for neutrals and don’t know what safety settings are in the first place.

3x Power Diagnostic? 500MN MWD? On a Cap? Or on a Crap?

Capitals aren’t ships to solo around with, even the nullers know that. They’re fitted for high resistances in order for their logi to be more efficient when repairing them, and a 250 catalyst swarm is handled by cycling smartbombs, which is why you use bombers to get rid of a dread. Catas also don’t have 749 damage outside of on-paper calculations, as catas miswarp land out of optimal, waste precious time manouvering into optimal, miss even when inside optimal and so on. Rage Torpedoes have perfect application on capitals and huge range.

isk possitive.

The primary purpose of a “combat” capital in highsec, especially of a titan, is to be parked at a station in the route freighters and stuff come in from a stargate. As they come out of warp, they’ll bump into the titan, which is much heavier, and bounce off, with a rather high velocity, getting their insta-dock refused and becoming food for the tornadoes.
No need for the titan to do any dirty work itself.
Why use 20 sieged orcas when you can use one unsieged titan?

Whether aliances form to defend a station or not depends on whether or not there’s more viable content elsewhere, not on whether they have the ability to for or an interest in the station.

Most stations reffed aren’t attacked on their next timer anyways. The removal of the damage cap for citadels left anyone with the ability to wardec and nothing else to do with the ability to ref a station for fun, disperse, and not show up for the next timer because he can’t bother.

It already is. When you go “defend” a station, what you go to do is wreck the enemy fleet. The station’s just bait for that purpose.

Eve is overprovisioned with poor assets noone wants and undeserved isk. Crabs in null get bounty risk modified bonus isk for the great dangers they face when they deploy-and-forget their ishtars to afk farm on their dozens of accounts while watching netflix or playing other games, causing the current isk inflation, abyss is littering money on players that play in their own personal instance space rather then in the global one where players can “be interacted with”.

Caps in highsec means Rorquals in highsec. Highseccers don’t know it but the “mining ship” is actually the strongest tackle ship in the game, since it has an invulnerability module that makes it immune to damage for 15 minutes, has just as much ehp as any other capital and can fit tackle modules, so it can grab a dread and lock it on grid with stasis webs and scrams, then go invul which yields the dread being unable to move or warp and unable to inflict damage to the miner.

The Rorqual also has all the drone bonuses people love so much about ishtars, and with the panic button they fense off any number of gankers. ANY. Even if the hole server was to warp on them they are immortal. Once the Rorqual can enter mission sites, it will become the most popular ship, as it has battleship grade drone DPS, dreadnaught grade ehp and the invul module. The forums will also not stop crying on requests that the module should self-engage on hull damage as players would manage to lose their rorquals while afk-ing all the time, or get concorded and banned from the game for engaging the invul module with a criminal timer on them (the “avoid getting concorded” line in the abuse list comes from the invul module outlasting the concord’s criminal timer) so the poor miners need a mean to make the module automated for them to be unblamable.

While Supercrabs in high would create a huge shift in metas, it would strip value of anything that can be supercrabbed and increase value of anything that can’t be supercrabbed. Wormhole stuff, exploration loot, and so on, would see a massive increase in value.

Diamond NPC pushing and corpse-giving to autothysian metas will also see a scaleup, as more solo-player invulnerability will result in less multiplaying, i.e. the crab gets less odds to be warned by his corp members that other players a bouncing the diamonds until the diamonds land on him, and unlike CONCORD, diamonds don’t deaggress but instead keep bringing more if you shoot them, so the invul fades and so does the supercrab. They even pod the crabs :wink:

You can’t bring 1200 catalysts. Eve has a population control restricting the number of undocked ships in a solar system to 999. Once that limit is reached, the stargate animation will not end until the player count in the destination has decreased, likewise the undock will not complete until there’s space for you. Unlike the stargate, on undock you can cancel though.

Goonswarm, Panfam and Test used this mechanic (by onlinining a lot of alts) to restrict the number of hostiles that can enter their warfront systems and kill the individually spawning intruders in 1vs998 engagements on their bubbled tidi 0.01 gate in the most heroic and largest battle eve has ever seen.

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So a catalyst gank is out then; pretty sure 500+ Talos will also be a fairly tall order…

I’m not sure where you got that from but it isn’t even vaguely true, look at the number of players during the KS kill in perimeter. There are quite regularly battles with over 1000 players undocked.

The base time for PANIC is 4 minutes, its ends up being around 6 with Invulnerability Core Operation V being trained, but you have to have an asteroid or ice locked to be able to activate it, and can’t apply any damage, move, or jump, while it is active.

Yeah, that literally didn’t happen, because that’s not how it works.

only shield ! you cant single siege the armor and structure timers ! its I M P O S S I B L E !

its a fit you would use to fly around in HS to be ungankable … so yes ! 3 power diagnostics ! and a 500mn for the better aligntime ! maybe you could know it :wink:

we are speaking about GANKING IN HS ! do you realise this ? so … yes they could use bombers but they dont have much more dps … they are more expensive … they are not the usual gank ship ! so i calculate it with the usual gank ship ! but bombers are with a T2 fit and maximum dmg only at 841 dps ! now you can calculate how many bombers you need …

if the drop is ok …
but you dont find a gang of 200 ganker ! there arent that much in eve like everyone will think !

wtf said “use a titan to gank” ? oO nobody said this ! maybe you need to read at first and then understand what was written !
and btw … a titan would not block the docking or jumping because it takes a few seconds to bump and in this time you are jumped or docked xD its not that hard …

thats why so many station in HS died … ah now i know !

this proofe youre lieing or dont have any knowladge !


no its not … if you decide to defend a station then you defend the station and rescue it !
if you decide only to fight then you dont defend the station !

yes it also means rorquals !
and thats the “best” cap tackle ship ingame does not care ! btw … to tackle a dread you only need a frigate and the dread is tackled forever !
in HS it does not will used as a tackle ship ! it will used in belt as mining and boosing ship !

long story short … caps are to strong for HS !

so you say caps are ungankable in HS ! → we know still without the “undock restriction” !

all in all its bad to have capitals in HS if they didnt get heavy restrictions !

500mn on a dread is as effective as 5mn is on a battleship. in fact, it has even less effect.

T2 bombers pay a good extra for the last few percent of dps. People use meta variants for suicide ganking, and bombers are quite popular for that purpose, too, once you look outside uedama. Catalysts, Talos, Nagas, […] suffer from being damage locked, bombers are available in all colors.

Are you underestimating miners’ greediness?

Before CCP swang the banhammer on input-replicators last year, the coalition of customs professionals would soloed that requirement, now that most of their “members” were removed from the game, I’ve seen Safety filling the void left behind in Ohide with a 20+ bombers fleet, a separate 20+ oracle fleet, yet another 20+ winmatar fleet, and some random 50 dessie gangs are also hanging around lately. I doubt it would be especially difficult to rally 200 dessies if a nice and juicy target was to come autopiloting the pipe.

The titan doesn’t accelerate to bump into the freighter, all it does is sit around and hope the freighter bumps into it. If it’s warp ends inside the Titan, the collision is handled immediately, while the dock request is processed only a tick later, and refused if the freighter is moving too fast at that point.

Stations die in HS primarily because they run out of fuel and get abandoned, i.e. can be wrecked in a single run, and drop a lot of loot to motivate attackers.

Unless the dread has (a) a support fleet (b) energy neutralizers (c) smartbombs (d) a jump drive. And it’s save to assume it has (a), (d) and at least one of (b) or (c).
Well, safe to assume until the lvl4 highsec missioning folks gets the option to upgrade to dreads, then i’d predict the tops to become salvagers and tractors, cause those are “more useful”, and the support fleet on the other hand isn’t.

you never sit in a capital right ? xD otherwise you know exactly why there is a 500 mn fittet on a cap ! and btw … you quote the answer :wink:

the main question is … do you need way less to gank this ship with bombers ? ive already calculate it with talos and their 1800 dps ! and you still need way more ppl you can collect !

the fact that capitals in HS will be ungankable is not proofed wrong by you … you just creating offtopic !
btw … yes you can gank with almost evers ship ! but is it efficient to gank with every ship ? if the answer is no then we dont need to talk about this anymore …

Caps in HS are very bad and they are ungankable …

a miner dont gank ! they are targets …
and no … nobody will gank a ship which is THIS ineffient to gank …

but you cant input broadcast ! it was banned not last year … it was banned years ago ! so if they flew around with input broadcast they have used illegal ways ! illegal ways are not the standart !

and the standart is, you only have a few ppl with maybe 10-15 chars to gank a freighter ! but you never get enough ppl to gank well tanked capitals ! if you think that then youre living in a dream !

no … bumping never happen immediately ! it always need a few seconds ( only you flew directly into the other ship ) and in this time you can dock or jump ! easy way …

proof this point ! maybe with zkb sources ?
i will tell you youre wrong !
yes sometimes they die because they got abandoned but thats not the main reason !

a) then a rorqual is also useless … if the support fleet is big enough you dont care !
b) a real tackle dont care about energy neut
c) a real tackle can tackle you outside of smartbomb range
d) if youre tackled you cant jump !

you do l4 missions with a fleet ? oO i will do it with a solo marauder and i always will be faster then youre 5 min anchored dread xD

yes some dudes will use dreads for mission only because they can ! ( if they could use the gates )

and still everything proofs that caps are to srong and should never be allowed to go into HS !


its always worse to have a dread on a medium station because the damage cap still exist !
yes you can kill it without come back a few days but you cant 1 cycle it ! its almost impossible !
youre now a proofed liar !

source → Upwell Structures - Abandoned State – EVE Online

Indeed, it’s been years I was in a dread the last time and back in the day it had a capital sized prop mod, which wasn’t strong enough to pulse it into warp with a single cycle, either. Guess I should give the BS module a try. Noone who lost a cap this month had an undersized prop mod on it so it might be a good loophole you just taught me about.

I mean, back in the good old days people also had frigate ABs on their titans, always thought they had them to become meme killmails, but maybe they pulsed their titans into warp with them.

no. but you do your math with bombers and then they work out as planned.
with catties, which you proposed, the capital cycles it’s smartbombs and your gank is over.

I was refering the greed of the miners to run a lot of freight in a single haul instead of splitting it over multiple hauls/ships.

Before the introduction of industrial cores, orcas wouldn’t drop even 3 catties in loot as all their value was in the hull and the rigs, and people were ganking the wales nevertheless.
When we didn’t want to gank the whales due to poor economics of doing so, we bumped them out of the belts they were in and stole their drones, as the afk boats usually had 25M isk faction drones, that would pay back the suicide griffin and more importantly annoy the miner.

With the introduction of the industrial core, a whale needs to load up quite a bit in order to become a target economic to gank, but gankers don’t care and gank it even if it’s empty.

you can always do it. if you’re caught, you’re banned. this specific one was banned last year. CCP’s claim to have banned 80% of input replicators, bots and abusers they are having their eyes on can be reinterpreted to mean that they have some but not enough evidence on the 20% they didn’t ban.

The collision detection starts once you come out of warp. Hence you can also be decloaked while still terminating the warp process, be smartbombed, or, as i said, bumped, including by the station itself if your instadock bookmark is poor enough.

Just counted the crap manually because zkill doesn’t feature a search of the dropped loot, and i guess i’ll have to give you this point. In the last week, only 44% of the highsec stations had no fuel when they were wrecked, so not a majority as I claimed, yet hardly “sometimes” only, either.

For the reference: Unfuelled (23)

Fueled (29)

If the rorqual and the dreadnought both have support fleets, the fact the dreadnaught is tackled by the rorqual will be a minor issue and the outcome is decided by the engagement of the support fleets against each other.

If the dreadnaught has a support fleet and the rorqual doesn’t… the support fleet will wreck the rorqual after the invul is over, and before that be useless and unable to help the dreadnaught, so basically the rorqual is buying time, an option it has, but the dreadnought doesn’t. In the inverse situation, namely the rorqual having a support fleet and the dreadnought being alone, the dreadnaught will be wrecked straightforwardedly.

If it’s a frigate tackling the dread, the tackle will be gone “quickly”.
When we still used dreads to PVE we always had subcap support on grid and would have handled intruding frigate tackle in a matter of seconds - which might have been too slow depending on how good the adversary is, but for the tackle itself it would have been gf before the second cycle of scram.

Unless it has limited amount of cap batteries, which it has, and will, in a 1-vs-1 situation, run out of them long before the capital runs out of it’s ability to cycle its’ neutralizer.

Ideally it flies 30+ km distanced with a range bonus ceptor, but doing so will not allow it to scram the jump drive

i.e. you need to come inside the scram and grapple range of the capital, and orbit there in scram orbit while hoping the primary armament doesn’t hit you and counting the cap batteries you have left … hardly “any frigate can tackle a capital forever”.

In null, you are enforced to be in the standing fleet and on voice communication channels whenever you undock a capital ship, whether you want to run lvl4 securities with it, combat anomalies, or just flip a npc dread that spawned in an asteroid belt. Different alliances might have different viewpoints on this but any alliance I was in had that rule since the industry patch had the capitals rise in isk price. You are also supposed to have a force recon alt on grid whenever you use the capital, and those are about the least PVE capable ships.

While the industry patch resulted in most capital-fanboys figuring out they can run pve in subcaps, too, there’s still a number of players claiming lvl5s can’t be done in subcaps, though lvl5 missions will likely remain in low even if high would allow capitals (and because enabling lvl5 missions in high would be a missioning update, which hasn’t happened for a time longer then capless highsec).

Before anything else, though, a marauder is more efficient at running “most” pve content because it has better damage application. HAW Dread ratters w/o enough alts find themselves asking for help to handle npc elite frigates that have warp disruptors, something any marauder can help itself out of.

So how are they “too strong for HS”? Drifters are podding miners all over highsec, in low and null they’re also flippling capitals, whether invul cored or not, if there was caps in high, the drifters, which can be pushed around offensively by players, would likely be removing caps from high and causing a lot of miner tears in highsec.

Diamond NPCs also wreck caps in low and null, and in the case of freighters and jump freighters, they’re also killing them in high already, why wouldn’t they wreck the combat class capitals in high, too? Again, diamonds can be “triggered” by players.

The faction navy never seems to be short of firepower if you bring them ehp blobs for them to chew on, and concord even less.

If you have a fleet encounter with cap users you’re in a concord sanctioned war with, they’ll either use the caps as damage amplifiers in a fleet that would have defeated yours even if the caps had just been marauders, too, or they will lose caps instead of losing marauders.

You can always gank the capitals. E.g. to gank my alliance’s non-bling doctrine ones you need to spam about each dread or carrier’s module price in bombers on them in a 0.5sec. With half of the modules getting lost in average, that means you can replace half your bombers with the drops in average, which is well more efficient then ganking orcas.

If you can be picky with the whales you gank, you can be picky with the capitals you gank, too.

Simply the fact that people would put them on autopilot in high as they feel immortal with so much ehp will create so many capital losses, by the faction police flipping them at the stargates w/o concord interfering, that capital ships and capital ship modules would see a big uptick in market demand, which would make ganking them more economic.

doesnt work … why ? because they have a neutral char next to their victim and if he activate a smartbomb then he got concordet ! so no smartbomb trick :wink: and one isnt enough to blow them up !

if you can haul it in an ungankable ship then it doesnt care !

yes ! sometimes you only got ganked because you have a good potential of producing good tears and salt !

but orcas have been ganked because they got used as freighter and they overload them ! theyve done it all the time … before indu core and after indu core !

and how do YOU know they use illegal software for imput broadcasting ? did they told you ( its not a proof ) did they show you how theyre doing ? you cant say it !

ive done enogh big capital drops and warps to know how it works ! and if you warp you can sit on the same spot as the other ship and none of the ship moves a few seconds … after a few seconds the bowling started !

still more then i thougth… i was thinking about between 20-30 % … and its about the half of them … we are both wrong

no thats not happen all the time ! in my times in nullsec ive seen so many solo traveling caps … no support fleet … no cyno … no help !

but youre right … if the dread has a support fleet ans the frigate is alone then it cant hold the tackle !

a cap has maybe a heavy tackle so you can shut down the tackle for a few seconds if youre lucky ! if not then the tackle has enough cap for the next cycle ! and it recovers enough cap that he can almost instantly renew the tackle

jump drive dont need to be scrammed ! you only need to be pointed ! and a smartbomb doesnt reach 10km ! so you still can be scram a dread without getting hit by a smartbomb ! and i know the hitbox of a cap is way bigger then on a subcap but you can still be easy outside of SB range

long point is enough ( if they didnt changed it and i didnt noticed it )

but we dont speak for caps in null ! we are talking about caps in HS

and only you got told you need to be in fleet … not everybody will be in fleet ! i can promise you !

l5´s can be done in subcaps ! some of them are a bit harder, some of them had a gate and you cant go through them ( was maybe only a storyline i cant remember ) … but i normaly used a thanni for flying L5´s becuause why not xD and marauder didnt hat the ROF buff at this time so they werent not that strong !

drifters in HS attack only if you attack first ! → their fault !

diamond rats are only shooting you if you agress them ! → your fault ( maybe im wrong at this i´m not 100% sure )

they are triggered by a FOB ! no FOB no diamond rats !

faction navy and concord only shoots you if you got criminal or negativ standing with the faction ! → your fault

you dont have that much wars in HS ! they are very rare … the normal war is against “friendly” players they are bad at counter attack … and still you make the agressor way stronger if you allow caps !

no you cant … they have several million EHP and you need way to much player for this ! in first place its not the ISK that make them ungankable ! its the manpower you need … but if you need to gank a ship and your ganking ships are much more worth then its not efficient and nobody will do it ! maybe 1 times for the fun but never for the ISK ! and thats ganking for … they are producing tears and get ISK !

no xD take a look how much EHP a T2 fittet tank chimera has … was 3m EHP ! and you need 80 talos for this … talos does twice the damage as a bomber so you need about 160 bomber !

i agree that someone will still be stupid and fly in an untanked capital but that wouldnt be the majority !

and then you only got maybe 1 in a month and thats only the stupid who dont fit any tank ?

why should this happen ? why should the faction police attack them ? that doesnt make sense at all !